Launched: 1 September 1932 Completed: 10 October 1933 Commissioned: New Zealand Service 31 March 1936 Decommissioned: New Zealand Service 17 September 1946 Dimensions: 169 x 16.9 x 6.1m (554.5 x 55.3 x 20ft) Displacement: 7030 tonnes Machinery: Oil fired, 4- shaft, geared turbines shp 72,000 = 32 knots Complement: 550 [565-570 wartime complement] + Frank William Foster Wing Commander Frank William Foster DFC, DSM (10 April 1887, London 5 March 1963, Reading). Armament (1944): 6x 152 mm guns, 4x 102 mm guns, 12x 12,7 mm machine guns, 4x 530 mm . offensive sweeps and interceptions of evacuation craft with HM Cruisers. Italian torpedo boats MA536 which was damaged and, detached with HMS AJAX, HM Destroyers NUBIAN and MOHAWK, 14th Under air attacks off east end of, during [22] Orion was given a brief refit in late April in Devonport. 23rd Sighted German tanker EMMY FRIEDRICH in Yucatan Channel. by HM Destroyers KELLY, KELVIN and JACKAL. ships in Group were HM Battleship RAMILLIES, HM Cruisers AJAX. [4], In 1914 the shelter-deck guns were enclosed in casemates. Gnr. with HMS part of joint Operation EXCESS with Force H to pass re-, , HM Cruiser BONAVENTURE and four destroyers with a - ATLANTIC 1939 - CALABRIA 1940 - MEDITERRANEAN 1940-44 [26], In an attempt to lure out and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet, the High Seas Fleet, composed of sixteen dreadnoughts, six pre-dreadnoughts and supporting ships, departed the Jade Bight early on the morning of 31 May. 7th Sailed from Malta as escort for return Convoy ME 11 during initial stage of At this time HMS Orion was off Miami Beach and we . Later to the nine 29th Rejoined Fleet and returned to Alexandria. defence of Crete including establishment of base at Suda Bay.). Nicholson still hoisted his flag aboard her, although he was now commander of the Reserve Fleet there. 28th Owing to the excessive expenditure of 6in ammunition by the and HM Corvettes HYACINTH, PEONY, GLOXINIA and SALVIA. Battleships NELSON and RODNEY also bombarded shore positions. with HMS AJAX and HM Destroyers, (Note: passage of HM off Malta detached with HMS AJAX, HM Destroyers NUBIAN and MOHAWK, to position [8], Orion's repairs were completed in March 1942 and she returned initially to Plymouth where new radar was installed. Conditions were bad and, as supplies grew shorter, the men caught rats and cats to supplement their food. (Note: Ships of If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261045 your information is still in the queue, please do not resubmit, we are working through them as quickly as possible. Aside from participating in the failed attempt to intercept the German ships that had bombarded Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby in late 1914, the Battle of Jutland in May . NUBIAN, VAMPIRE (RAN) and VENDETTA (RAN) to provide cover for. 1987 provision of, assistance for The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Orion (AS 18). Corelli Barnett and the Naval Staff History). Orion returned to the Mediterranean in October 1942. C. Barnett and THE BLOCKADERS by C. Hampshire). Nominated for February Nominated for passage via Canada and to bring the ashes of Lord Tweedsmuir 300 men taken off beach at Tolon Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. transit of convoys MW5A/B and ME4 and from, (Operation MC4 See Naval Staff History), (Note: This was [21], Jellicoe's ships, including Orion, conducted gunnery drills on 1013 January 1915 west of the Orkneys and the Shetland Islands. Login| 10th Deployed for escort of EXCESS Convoy. during passage to Alexandria. Dr. William T. Kensett, a naval officer of the Royal Navy battleship HMS Orion. On the 21st of January 1942, he was injured and captured in Tobruk. HMS Orion was a Leander -class light cruiser which served with distinction in the Royal Navy during World War II. Looking for US Navy memorabilia? later rescued survivors from HMS SOUTHAMPTON with HMAS PERTH and HM. The turrets were designated 'A', 'B', 'Q', 'X' and 'Y', from front to rear. A series of miscommunications and mistakes by the British allowed Hipper's ships to avoid an engagement with Beatty's forces. [3], The Orion class was equipped with 10 breech-loading (BL) 13.5-inch (343mm) Mark V guns in five hydraulically powered twin-gun turrets, all on the centreline. (Note: Threat of assumed docking in Bermuda was deferred. HMS ORION remained with 15th Cruiser Squadron, Mediterranean Fleet until June 3rd Bombarded September Deployed on the America and West After extensive damage control had been undertaken she limped to Alexandria at 12 knots (22km/h; 14mph), providing a spectacular sight in the harbour with the mast wedged into the ships funnel and significant battle damage. Orion commissioned for service with the Home Fleet, but in 1937 was . HURSLEY, TETCOTT, Greek VASILISSA OLGA and GREEK. RAMILLIES, 11th Sailed from Malta without HMS RAMILLIES. The Admiralty concurred and stipulated that the Grand Fleet would not sortie unless the German fleet was attempting an invasion of Britain or there was a strong possibility it could be forced into an engagement under suitable conditions. Pte. THE RN Edited by FA Kingsley. John and several others made an escape from Campo 52 but were recaptured and sent to Campo 70 Monturano (near Parma) and later to Stalag 339 Trieste in northern Italy. They mustered the six dreadnoughts of Vice-Admiral Sir George Warrender's 2nd BS, including Orion and her sisters, Monarch and Conqueror, and the four battlecruisers of Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty. Cruisers LIVERPOOL and GLOUCESTER taking troops to Malta. please entered WW2 after German ultimatum and made necessary the (Note: These Simpson David. with HM Cruisers AJAX and GLOUCESTER 14th Sailed from Devonport to rejoin Squadron in West Indies. SYDNEY, HM Destroyers MOHAWK and, NUBIAN to carry 15th Bombarded Gaeta with HM Cruiser SPARTAN and HM Destroyers FAULKNOR. | CLOSELY by Repeated reports of submarines in Scapa Flow led Jellicoe to conclude that the defences there were inadequate and he ordered that the Grand Fleet be dispersed to other bases until the defences be reinforced. 3rd Deployed in support of landing of British XIII Corps with targets at Scarpanto with HMAS. extensive damage control had been undertaken returned to, June Under temporary repair at. September 1931. transfer to 7th Cruiser Squadron, Mediterranean Fleet, 1st Took passage from Bermuda to Squadron based in. Cruisers SYDNEY (RAN) and YORK screened by Nov. 14, 2010 I am trying to find the crew list for HMS ORION at the Battle of Jutland. . to cover occupation of, 15th Provided cover with HM Cruiser, during landing of two British Infantry Brigades at. Approaches, June Under repair in Clyde Room 40 had intercepted and decrypted German radio traffic containing plans of the operation. 1991 HM Escort 1984 April Based at Suda Bay with Cruisers of Mediterranean Fleet. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. 3rd Deployed with HM Destroyers PAKENHAM, PETARD and Greek status. Destroyers PAKENHAM, PETARD, ALDENHAM, BELVOIR, CROOME, DULVERTON, EXMOOR, destroyers. 1981 Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1946. 29th Under attack by high level bombing and later by torpedo commercial frequency to enable rescue of survivors by Italian ships. HMS Orion was the lead ship of her class of four dreadnought battleships built for the Royal Navy in the early 1910s. ), 19th Took passage from Alexandria Paid off 1947. escorts with HHS EAGLE. NE of. 24th Deployed with HM Australian Destroyers VOYAGER and VAMPIRE and PERTH (RAN). Helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by Church William Arthur. OLGA as escort MD3 See Naval Staff History, Battle The ships carried enough coal and fuel oil to give them a range of 6,730 nautical miles (12,460km; 7,740mi) at a cruising speed of 10 knots (19km/h; 12mph). Beam: 17 m Only Jervis and Nubian, which served in the Mediterranean with Orion, matched this record; it was exceeded by Warspite, the Mediterranean Fleet flagship, which saw service in both World Wars. North African further editing and formatting is required,