It is a richer version of the <select> element and supports data binding, filtering, templates, and default items. When the user-selected value is 2 (2 is the value of sad we can see in the HTML) then sad will select and a text box will come. ASP.NET MVC DropDownList exposes a large number of events which let you handle different use case logic. Bangkok, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 05.11.2023. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? e.sender kendo.ui.DropDownList. var myurl= "@Url.Action("Put", "Home", new { FiscalYear = 2016})"; myurl= myurl.replace(2016,$("#Month").val()); Were sorry. Event Data e.sender kendo.ui.DropDownList. I know this is late but thank you and I'm glad it helped, If Company Id has to be made mandatory in kendo grid what i have to do i have added the below line but still i can add new row, changes other values and validation message is not thrown when i switch to other column: Represents the Kendo UI DropDownList widget.

public JsonResult ReadEmployees([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)

List employess = GetAllEmployees();

DataSourceResult result = employess.ToDataSourceResult(request);

return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


, Snippet 4: The above piece of code should be inside the controller,

columns.Bound(e => e.CompanyId).EditorTemplateName("CompaniesList").Title("Company").ClientTemplate("#:CompanyName#");

, Snippet 5: The above piece of code should be in Kendo grid in the view,

@using System.Collections
@model System.Int32

.OptionLabel("- Select Company - ")

. Step 1 - Creating a Kendo UI Project (Optional) Step 2 - Creating A Kendo Grid. You'll get a notification every time a post gets published here. Opening the dropdown and selected "Oranges" a second time should trigger the change event but doesn't because of the change made in kendo.list.js to track _oldText to fix a ComboBox issue.The current demo of Kendo UI for jQuery DropDownList demonstrates an. Kendo DropDownList Change event. How can I translate the names of the Proto-Indo-European gods and goddesses into Latin? This class of the following fields: employee id, employee first name, employee last name, company id, and company name. It is a richer version of the