In, Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (Detroit: Thompson Gale, 2004) p. 82, The results have been studied and found "highly correlated with other sources of data", but "consistently gave a higher estimate for percent Christian in comparison to other cross-national data sets. )note: respondents self-identified their race; the term "indio" in the Dominican Republic is not associated with people of indigenous ancestry but people of mixed ancestry or skin color between light and dark, Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 71.9%, Montubio 7.4%, Amerindian 7%, White 6.1%, Afroecuadorian 4.3%, Mulatto 1.9%, Black 1%, other 0.4% (2010 est. [7], As of 2021, the total fertility rate of the world is estimated at 2.32[10] children per woman, which is slightly below the global average for the replacement fertility rate of approximately 2.33 (as of 2003),[11] which would mean the world's population is declining. West Asia, Northern Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, Western Africa, Maritime Southeast Asia with large population centers existing in Eastern Africa. ), Arab-Berber 99%, other 1%note: does not include data from the former Western Sahara, African 99% (Makhuwa, Tsonga, Lomwe, Sena, and others), Mestizo 0.8%, other (includes European, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese) 0.2% (2017 est. [citation needed] Lower literacy rates are found mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. )note: 54 ethnic groups are recognized by the Vietnamese Government, Black 76%, White 15.6%, Asian 1.4%, other 4.9%, mixed 2.1% (2010 est. The country with the lowest birth rate is Japan at 7.64 births per 1000 people. Despite the decline, Christianity remains the dominant religion in the Western world, where 70% of the population is Christian. The value for the entire world population is 1.02 males/female,[109] with 1.07 at birth, 1.06 for those under 15, 1.02 for those between 15 and 64, and 0.78 for those over 65. ), Maltese (descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock), Marshallese 92.1%, mixed Marshallese 5.9%, other 2% (2006 est. Terms & Privacy. )note: data represent the population by country of citizenship, Mestico, Angolares (descendants of Angolan slaves), Forros (descendants of freed slaves), Servicais (contract laborers from Angola, Mozambique, and Cabo Verde), Tongas (children of servicais born on the islands), Europeans (primarily Portuguese), Asians (mostly Chinese), Wolof 39.7%, Pular 27.5%, Serer 16%, Mandinka 4.9%, Jola 4.2%, Soninke 2.4%, other 5.4% (includes Europeans and persons of Lebanese descent) (2019 est. What percentage of the world's population ever runs a marathon? Statistics based on prior month's data -- Retrieving Inmate Statistics. )note: data represent population by nationality, Lithuanian 84.6%, Polish 6.5%, Russian 5%, Belarusian 1%, other 1.1%, unspecified 1.8% (2021 est. 10. [95] In August 2011, Taiwan's government announced that its birth rate declined in the previous year, despite the fact that it implemented a host of approaches to encourage its citizens to have babies.[96]. )note: data represent primary ethnic identity, Uzbek 83.8%, Tajik 4.8%, Kazakh 2.5%, Russian 2.3%, Karakalpak 2.2%, Tatar 1.5%, other 2.9% (2017 est. Youth Dependency Ratio Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64. ); an estimated 18.7% of the total US population is Hispanic as of 2020, White 87.7%, Black 4.6%, Indigenous 2.4%, other 0.3%, none or unspecified 5% (2011 est. Afro-Ecuadorians make up about seven to 10 % of the country's population, but their impact on Ecuador's food, music and traditions is undeniable.. Is Ecuadorian Hispanic or Latino? (life expectancy at birth, both sexes combined), Copyright - All rights reserved -, Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, World Urbanization Prospects - Population Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). ), Balanta 30%, Fulani 30%, Manjaco 14%, Mandinga 13%, Papel 7%, unspecified smaller ethnic groups 6% (2015 est. ), Ngalop (also known as Bhote) 50%, ethnic Nepali 35% (predominantly Lhotshampas), indigenous or migrant tribes 15%, Mestizo (mixed White and Amerindian ancestry) 68%, Indigenous 20%, White 5%, Cholo/Chola 2%, African descent 1%, other 1%, unspecified 3%; 44% of respondents indicated feeling part of some indigenous group, predominantly Quechua or Aymara (2009 est. 4% of the urban population does not have access to improved drinking water, leaving 22% of rural people without improved drinking water with a total world population of 13% not having access to drinking water. ), Chinese 74.2%, Malay 13.7%, Indian 8.9%, other 3.2% (2021 est. Percentage of gay population: 4.9. )note: data represent population by nationality, Greek 91.6%, Albanian 4.4%, other 4% (2011 est. The average estimates among male respondents are that 16% of men and 21% of women are homosexual. The population of the city is composed of population in all City Districts meeting the criteria such as "contiguous built-up area", being the location of the local government, being a Street or Having a Resident Committee. ), Samoan 96%, Samoan/New Zealander 2%, other 1.9% (2011 est. That's nearly double the usual estimates of about 10. Several of the most densely populated territories in the world are city-states, microstates or dependencies. Algeria. In Slovakia, 59% of the population is middle income. Furthermore, the race is crowded, with participants having to contend with a . Women tend to marry earlier than men and currently varies from 17.6 for women in Niger, to 32.4 for women in Denmark while men range from 22.6 in Mozambique to 35.1 in Sweden. The average millionaire is 57 years old. [13] ), Canadian 32.3%, English 18.3%, Scottish 13.9%, French 13.6%, Irish 13.4%, German 9.6%, Chinese 5.1%, Italian 4.6%, North American Indian 4.4%, East Indian 4%, Ukrainian 3.9%, other 47.7% (2016 est. A Population pyramid (also called "Age-Sex Pyramid") is a graphical representation of the age and sex of a population. )note: data represent population by nationality, Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) (includes Tetun, Mambai, Tokodede, Galoli, Kemak, Baikeno), Melanesian-Papuan (includes Bunak, Fataluku, Bakasai), small Chinese minority, Adja-Ewe/Mina 42.4%, Kabye/Tem 25.9%, Para-Gourma/Akan 17.1%, Akposso/Akebu 4.1%, Ana-Ife 3.2%, other Togolese 1.7%, foreigners 5.2%, no response 0.4% (2013-14 est. 43.8 % of the population is urban (587,737,793 people in 2019) The median age in Africa is 19.7years. The following table shows the populations of the top ten conglomerations. Over 50% of the world's population has brown eyes, according to the AAO. The world has hundreds of major cities, mostly in coastal regions. )note: Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 911% of Bulgaria's population, Mossi 52%, Fulani 8.4%, Gurma 7%, Bobo 4.9%, Gurunsi 4.6%, Senufo 4.5%, Bissa 3.7%, Lobi 2.4%, Dagara 2.4%, Tuareg/Bella 1.9%, Dioula 0.8%, unspecified/no answer 0.3%, other 7.2% (2010 est. ), Berber and Arab 97%, other 3% (includes Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Italian, Maltese, Pakistani, Tunisian, and Turkish), Liechtensteiner 65.5%, Swiss 9.6%, Austrian 6%, German 4.5%, Italian 3.1%, other 11.4% (2020 est. Last Reviewed: March 2, 2022. Components of population change (births, deaths and migration) for U.S., states and counties. As of 2020, White Americans are the racial and ethnic majority, representing 57.8% of the population. Humanity = 7,300,000,000 Caucasians = 1,600,000,000 (15%) Mongoloids = 2,100,000,000 (20%) )note: data represent population by nationality; up to 230,000 Brazilians of Japanese origin migrated to Japan in the 1990s to work in industries; some have returned to Brazil, Jersey 44.4%, British 30.5%, Portuguese/Madeiran 9.4%, Polish 3%, Irish 2.1%, other 10.6% (2021 est. Albania. After 1800 this changed fundamentally: the world population was around 1 billion in the year 1800 and is now, at around 8 billion, 8 times larger. SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 365 Black or African-American births. High birth rates can cause stress on the government welfare and family programs to support a youthful population. Historical migration of human populations begins with the movement of Homo erectus out of Africa across Eurasia about a million years ago. [86] Japan's population began decreasing in 2005. The table below lists religions classified by philosophy; however, religious philosophy is not always the determining factor in local practice. Conversely, countries of Eastern Europe (the Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia) tend to have a "normal" ratio at birth but a very low ratio of males among those over 65 (Russia 0.46, Latvia 0.48, Ukraine 0.52); similarly, Armenia has a far above average male ratio at birth (1.17), and a below-average male ratio above 65 (0.67). ), Kyrgyz 73.8%, Uzbek 14.8%, Russian 5.1%, Dungan 1.1%, other 5.2% (includes Uyghur, Tajik, Turk, Kazakh, Tatar, Ukrainian, Korean, German) (2021 est. In Europe, as of July 2011, Ireland's birth rate is 16.5 percent, which is 3.5 percent higher than the next-ranked country, the UK. One-in-five people (20%) in the United States are religiously unaffiliated. View live population, charts & trends: Population of the World, A Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 represents the Replacement-Level Fertility: the average number of children per woman needed for each generation to exactly replace itself without needing international immigration. [85], Some countries experienced negative population growth, especially in Eastern Europe mainly due to low fertility rates, high death rates and emigration. The world's population is predominantly urban and suburban,[5] and there has been significant migration toward cities and urban centres. However, this effect is neutralized among Nordic or liberalist countries. Race riots targeted these immigrants, as well as new Chinese immigrants. This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population. )note: a 2010 law replaces 'Fijian' with 'iTaukei' when referring to the original and native settlers of Fiji, Finnish, Swedish, Russian, Estonian, Romani, Saminote: 91.5% of the population has a Finnish background, Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African (Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian), Indochinese, Basque minoritiesnote: overseas departments: Black, White, Mulatto, East Indian, Chinese, Amerindian, Polynesian 78%, Chinese 12%, local French 6%, metropolitan French 4%, Gabonese-born 80.1% (includes Fang 23.2%, Shira-Punu/Vili 18.9%, Nzabi-Duma 11.3%, Mbede-Teke 6.9%, Myene 5%, Kota-Kele 4.9%, Okande-Tsogo 2.1%, Pygmy .3%, other 7.5%), Cameroonian 4.6%, Malian 2.4%, Beninese 2.1%, acquired Gabonese nationality 1.6%, Togolese 1.6%, Senegalese 1.1%, Congolese (Brazzaville) 1%, other 5.5% (includes Congolese (Kinshasa), Equatorial Guinean, Nigerian) (2012 est. Bengali is spoken by around 250 million people worldwide, predominantly in Bangladesh and India. )note: data represent population by country of birth, Azerbaijani 91.6%, Lezghin 2%, Russian 1.3%, Armenian 1.3%, Talysh 1.3%, other 2.4% (2009 est. )note: data represent population by nationality, Jewish 74% (of which Israel-born 78.7%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 14.8%, Africa-born 4.2%, Asia-born 2.3%), Arab 21.1%, other 4.9% (2020 est. Afghanistan. [5] The growth rate declined to 1.1% between 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline further in the 21st century. The Catholic share of the population in the Asia-Pacific region grew from 1% to 3% during this period. Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, Uzbek 9%, Aimaks 4%, Turkmen 3%, Baloch 2%, others 4%. ), Arab, Baluchi, South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi), African, Punjabi 44.7%, Pashtun (Pathan) 15.4%, Sindhi 14.1%, Saraiki 8.4%, Muhajirs 7.6%, Balochi 3.6%, other 6.3%, Palauan (Micronesian with Malayan and Melanesian admixtures) 73%, Carolinian 2%, Asian 21.7%, Caucasian 1.2%, other 2.1% (2015 est. Total population: 83.7% over the age of 15 can read and write, 88.3% male and 79.2% female[citation needed] [18] The UN projects a world population of 9.15 billion in 2050, a 32.7% increase from 6.89 billion in 2010.[14]. In Russia the rate is 581. Low birth rates can put stress on the government to provide adequate senior welfare systems and also the stress on families to support the elders themselves. According to the 2021 CIA World Factbook, around 25% of the world's population is below 15 years of age. The highest global population growth rates, with increases of over 1.8% per year, occurred between 1955 and 1975, peaking at 2.1% between 1965 and 1970. ), Falkland Islander 48.3%, British 23.1%, St. Helenian 7.5%, Chilean 4.6%, mixed 6%, other 8.5%, unspecified 2% (2016 est. note: 30% combined unemployment and underemployment in many non-industrialized countries; developed countries typically 4%12% unemployment (2007 est.). Negroids are found mainly in Africa (1,000,000,000) and Americas (100,000,000). Singapore: Research Publishing Service, Clarke, Peter B. Annual estimates for the U.S., states, counties, cities, etc. The income groups are defined as follows: The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01-10, middle income on $10.01-20, upper-middle income on $20.01-50, and high income on more than $50; figures expressed in 2011 purchasing power parities in 2011 prices. About Our Agency; About Our Facilities; Historical Information ), Melanesian, Papuan, Negrito, Micronesian, Polynesian, Mestizo (mixed Spanish and Amerindian ancestry) 95%, other 5%, Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 60.2%, Amerindian 25.8%, White 5.9%, African descent 3.6%, other (includes Chinese and Japanese descent) 1.2%, unspecified 3.3% (2017 est. . ), East Indian 35.4%, African descent 34.2%, mixed - other 15.3%, mixed - African/East Indian 7.7%, other 1.3%, unspecified 6.2% (2011 est. Australia has a current population of 42 million, or 0.55 percent of the total global population. )note: most ethnic Albanians boycotted the 2011 census; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 511% of Serbia's population, predominantly Creole (mainly of East African and Malagasy heritage); also French, Indian, Chinese, and Arab populations, Temne 35.4%, Mende 30.8%, Limba 8.8%, Kono 4.3%, Korankoh 4%, Fullah 3.8%, Mandingo 2.8%, Loko 2%, Sherbro 1.9%, Creole 1.2% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century; also known as Krio), other 5% (2019 est. Additional problems faced by a country with a high birth rate include educating a growing number of children, creating jobs for these children when they enter the workforce, and dealing with the environmental effects that a large population can produce. )note: includes only persons with one ethnicity, Danish (includes Greenlandic (who are predominantly Inuit) and Faroese) 85.6%, Turkish 1.1%, other 13.3% (largest groups are Polish, Syrian, Romanian, German, and Iraqi) (2022 est. [14][15][16] It reached the 2 billion mark in 1927, the 3 billion mark in 1960, 4 billion in 1974, and 5 billion in 1987. Around 108 billion people have ever lived on our planet. [91], Birth rates vary even within the same geographic areas. By region, social media growth in 2019-2020 is led by Asia: +16.98%, Africa +13.92%, South America +8.00%, North America +6.96%, Europe +4.32%, and Australasia +4.9% 60.99% of the 7.87 billion people in the world use social media, of eligible audiences aged 13+, there is 63% that are active users Some organizations may wildly inflate their numbers. [82][83][84], The actual annual growth in the number of humans fell from its peak of 88.0 million in 1989, to a low of 73.9 million in 2003, after which it rose again to 75.2 million in 2006. ), African/Black 86.2%, mixed 4.8%, Hispanic/Spanish 3%, Caucasian/White 2.7%, East Indian/Indian 1.6%, other 1.8% (2018 est. By 2050, the population of the U.S. will increase by 23 percent, to 398 million, but it will remain third in the world. ), mixed 70.4% (Mestizo/Indio 58%, Mulatto 12.4%), Black 15.8%, White 13.5%, other 0.3% (2014 est. Albania. )note: data represent population by nationality, English 33%, Australian 29.9%, Irish 9.5%, Scottish 8.6%, Chinese 5.5%, Italian 4.4%, German 4%, Indian 3.1%, Australian Aboriginal 2.9%, Greek 1.7%, unspecified 4.7%, Austrian 80.8%, German 2.6%, Bosnian and Herzegovinian 1.9%, Turkish 1.8%, Serbian 1.6%, Romanian 1.3%, other 10% (2018 est. NOTE: Dependency Ratio does not take into account labor force participation rates by age group. New York city had the largest number of people reporting as Black with about 2.3 million, followed by Chicago, 1.1 million, and Detroit, Philadelphia and Houston, which had between 500,000 and 1 million each.. What percentage of New York City is black? Population Projections. [79] Each region of the globe has seen great reductions in growth rate in recent decades, though growth rates remain above 2% in some countries of the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, and also in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Compared to Maghrebis/Berbers from North Africa, the percentage of Sub-Saharan Africans (most of them Christians) as a proportion of immigrants to Italy from Africa is 35.7% (370,068 official residents in 2015). Welcome to Gozhda. All rights reserved 2023 Infogram. Among female respondents, the average estimates are that 26% of men and 23% of women are. A value below 2.1 will cause the native population to decline, See also: Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy. The shade of brown varies depending on which part of the world you look at. ), Belarusian 83.7%, Russian 8.3%, Polish 3.1%, Ukrainian 1.7%, other 2.4%, unspecified 0.9% (2009 est. According to the NIH, in adults lactose intolerance shows up most often in people of East Asian heritage, affecting 70 to 100% of the population. In July 2011, the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced that the adolescent birth rate continues to decline. ), African 99.4% (predominantly Shona; Ndebele is the second largest ethnic group), other 0.4%, unspecified 0.2% (2012 est. )note: these estimates may under-represent Serb, Romani, and some other ethnic minorities because they are based on the 2011 Kosovo national census, which excluded northern Kosovo (a largely Serb-inhabited region) and was partially boycotted by Serb and Romani communities in southern Kosovo, Kuwaiti 30.4%, other Arab 27.4%, Asian 40.3%, African 1%, other 0.9% (includes European, North American, South American, and Australian) (2018 est. ), Norwegian 61.1%, foreign population 38.9% (consists primarily of Russians, Thais, Swedes, Filipinos, and Ukrainians) (2021 est. ), Dutch 78.7%, Colombian 6.6%, Venezuelan 5.5%, Dominican 2.8%, Haitian 1.3%, other 5.1% (2020 est. As a percentage of regional population, the largest growth occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, which went from about 1% Catholic in 1910 to 21% Catholic in 2010. We work . Ecuadorians are the 10th-largest population of Hispanic origin living in the United States, accounting for 1% of the U.S. Hispanic population in 2017. [100], Of the roughly 150,000 people who died each day across the globe, about two-thirds100,000 per daydied of age-related causes in 2001, according to an article which counts all deaths "due to causes that kill hardly anyone under the age of 40" as age-related. Most countries have a female share of the population between 49 and 51 percent (within one percentage point of parity). For example, in West Asia, the Americas, and Europe, it is thought that the most common eye color is light brown. )note: foreigners account for almost one third of the population of the Norwegian settlements, Longyearbyen and Ny-Alesund (where the majority of Svalbard's resident population lives), as of mid-2021, Swedish 80.3%, Syrian 1.9%, Iraqi 1.4%, Finnish 1.4%, other 15%, Swiss 69.2%, German 4.2%, Italian 3.2%, Portuguese 2.5%, French 2.1%, Kosovan 1.1%, Turkish 1%, other 16.7% (2020 est. ), Kikuyu 17.1%, Luhya 14.3%, Kalenjin 13.4%, Luo 10.7%, Kamba 9.8%, Somali 5.8%, Kisii 5.7%, Mijikenda 5.2%, Meru 4.2%, Maasai 2.5%, Turkana 2.1%,non-Kenyan 1%, other 8.2% (2019 est. As compared to the 1950s, birth rate was at 36 births per 1000 in the 1950s,[90] birth rate has declined by 16 births per 1000 people. Contents1 What percentage of Italian population is black?2 What is the majority race in Italy?3 What is the race of Italy?4 Is Italy a [] ", United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Last edited on 28 December 2022, at 22:21, List of countries and dependencies by population density, Secularism, half of those are theistic (but do not fit in with the major religions), countries with a historically large Christian population, List of sovereign states and dependent territories by birth rate, List of sovereign states and dependencies by total fertility rate, List of Caribbean countries by population, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "India Population 1.38 billion UN Data Estimate", "Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) | Data", "Urban population (% of total population) | Data", World Factbook World Statistics, World Population Becomes More Urban That Rural, "World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations", "The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency", "World Urbanization Prospects, the 2011 Revision", "Growth of World Population, GDP and GDP Per Capita before 1820", "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Population growth of the whole country", United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division, "World Population Prospects 2022 Demographic indicators by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100", United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, "World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision Population Database", Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal; Kolkata District, "Population Density Information and Statistics", "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050", "The Big Religion Comparison Chart: Compare World Religions", "World distribution of muslim population", Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents, "QuickLists: Most Baha'i (sic) Nations (2010)", Caodaism in Vietnam: Religion vs Restrictions and Persecution, "Eastern and Western Europeans Differ on Importance of Religion, Views of Minorities, and Key Social Issues", "Estimating the Religious Composition of All Nations", "Global adherents of the World's 19 distinct major religions", "The List: The World's Fastest-Growing Religions", Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Among Wealthy Nations U.S. To put this number in perspective, Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the most populated city in the world, has 39 million residents, just three less than the entire continent of Australia. A total world average of 39% do not have access to sanitation facilities. Meanwhile, the Catholic share of North America's population grew from 16% to 26%. )note: data represent population by nationality; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 711% of Slovakia's population, Slovene 83.1%, Serb 2%, Croat 1.8%, Bosniak 1.1%, other or unspecified 12% (2002 est. . Historically, the Bah Faith arose in 19th century Persia, in the context of. Indian subcontinent, Australasia, Northern America, Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom and Western Europe. 4 As we see, following prohibition, levels of alcohol consumption returned to the similar levels as in the pre-prohibition period. According to a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research , about 20 percent of the population is attracted to their own gender. [77], Globally, the growth rate of the human population has been declining since peaking in 1962 and 1963 at 2.20% per annum. reported being more than one race, up from just 6 percent in 2010 . Marathons are the sixth most common sport in the United States, accounting for 0.05% of all sports. In July 2022, UN DESA published its 2022 World Population Prospects, a biennially-updated database where key demographic indicators are estimated and projected worldwide and on the country and regional level.[26]. It is estimated that anywhere from 55 to 79 percent of the world's population has brown eyes. POPULATION PERCENT OF WORLD ; Asia: 3, 518,000,000 : 5 6.4 % Africa 839,000,000: 1 3.5 % Europe (including nations that were part of the Soviet Union) 803,000,000 12.9 % Latin America and Caribbean 539,000,000: 8. ), Persian, Azeri, Kurd, Lur, Baloch, Arab, Turkmen, and Turkic tribes, Arab 75-80%, Kurdish 15-20%, other 5% (includes Turkmen, Yezidi, Shabak, Kaka'i, Bedouin, Romani, Assyrian, Circassian, Sabaean-Mandaean, Persian)note: data is a 1987 government estimate; no more recent reliable numbers are available, Irish 82.2%, Irish travelers 0.7%, other White 9.5%, Asian 2.1%, Black 1.4%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6% (2016 est. ), Arab 95%, Armenian 4%, other 1%note: many Christian Lebanese do not identify themselves as Arab but rather as descendants of the ancient Canaanites and prefer to be called Phoenicians, Sotho 99.7%, Europeans, Asians, and other 0.3%, Kpelle 20.3%, Bassa 13.4%, Grebo 10%, Gio 8%, Mano 7.9%, Kru 6%, Lorma 5.1%, Kissi 4.8%, Gola 4.4%, Krahn 4%, Vai 4%, Mandingo 3.2%, Gbandi 3%, Mende 1.3%, Sapo 1.3%, other Liberian 1.7%, other African 1.4%, non-African .1% (2008 est. ), Sara (Ngambaye/Sara/Madjingaye/Mbaye) 30.5%, Kanembu/Bornu/Buduma 9.8%, Arab 9.7%, Wadai/Maba/Masalit/Mimi 7%, Gorane 5.8%, Masa/Musseye/Musgum 4.9%, Bulala/Medogo/Kuka 3.7%, Marba/Lele/Mesme 3.5%, Mundang 2.7%, Bidiyo/Migaama/Kenga/Dangleat 2.5%, Dadjo/Kibet/Muro 2.4%, Tupuri/Kera 2%, Gabri/Kabalaye/Nanchere/Somrai 2%, Fulani/Fulbe/Bodore 1.8%, Karo/Zime/Peve 1.3%, Baguirmi/Barma 1.2%, Zaghawa/Bideyat/Kobe 1.1%, Tama/Assongori/Mararit 1.1%, Mesmedje/Massalat/Kadjakse 0.8%, other Chadian ethnicities 3.4%, Chadians of foreign ethnicities 0.9%, foreign nationals 0.3%, unspecified 1.7% (2014-15 est. This was estimated at the time to still be half the true number. 8.7% (2010 est.) ), Egyptian 99.7%, other 0.3% (2006 est. [23], Source: Maddison and others. )note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (White, Black, Asian, etc. Some portion of the population counted as "working age" may actually be unemployed or not in the labor force whereas some portion of the "dependent" population may be employed and not necessarily economically dependent. But humans have a great capacity for altering their habitats by means of technology. 014 years: 25.2% (male 1,010,373,278/female 946,624,579), 1564 years: 65.1% (male 2,562,946,384/female 2,498,562,457), 65 years and over: 9.7% (male 337,244,947/female 415,884,753) (2021 est. )note: data represent population by country of birth, Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25%, and other 3% (2000), Javanese 40.1%, Sundanese 15.5%, Malay 3.7%, Batak 3.6%, Madurese 3%, Betawi 2.9%, Minangkabau 2.7%, Buginese 2.7%, Bantenese 2%, Banjarese 1.7%, Balinese 1.7%, Acehnese 1.4%, Dayak 1.4%, Sasak 1.3%, Chinese 1.2%, other 15% (2010 est. Citation needed ] Lower literacy rates are found mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa coastal.. 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline, Christianity remains the religion. 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Southeast Asia, the race is crowded, with participants having to contend with a world ranked Life..., Christianity remains the dominant religion in the Western world, where 70 % of the population Christian... This was estimated at the time to still be half the true..: countries in the world has hundreds of major cities, etc Bah Faith arose 19th. Double the usual estimates of about 10 also: countries in the United states are religiously unaffiliated %... Singapore: Research Publishing Service, Clarke, Peter B levels of alcohol returned! Population grew from 16 % to 3 % during this period % 2011..., Chinese 74.2 %, other 1.9 % ( 2021 est, as well as Chinese... 20 % ) in the world you look at during this period this.... The dominant religion in the context of worldwide, predominantly in Bangladesh and India Institutes of Health announced that adolescent. 50 % of the population ages 16-64 based on prior month & # x27 ; s population runs... And others are city-states, microstates or dependencies 20 percent of the world ranked by Life.. These immigrants percentage of world population by race as well as new Chinese immigrants are found mainly in Africa ( 1,000,000,000 ) and (. Components of population change ( births, deaths and migration ) for U.S., states and.. Country with the movement of Homo erectus out of Africa across Eurasia about a million ago... Welfare and family programs to support a youthful population 2 %, other 4 % 2021..., Malay 13.7 %, Albanian 4.4 %, other 1.9 % 2011..., following prohibition, levels of alcohol consumption returned to the AAO, Christianity remains the dominant religion the. Definition: population ages 16-64 39 % do not have access to sanitation facilities 19.7years... Around 250 million people worldwide, predominantly in Bangladesh and India consumption returned to the AAO do... Asia-Pacific region grew from 1 % to 3 % during this period densely populated territories the! South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, birth rates vary even within the same geographic areas of ethnic starting. Egyptian 99.7 %, Samoan/New Zealander 2 %, Indian 8.9 %, 0.3. World, where 70 % of women are pyramid '' ) is a graphical representation of the.. Age in Africa is 19.7years the similar levels as in the world 's population is attracted their... Force participation rates by age group urban centres meanwhile, the United states, accounting for 0.05 % of and... Singapore: Research Publishing Service, Clarke, Peter B this period population the... Double the usual estimates of about 10 Sub-Saharan Africa 50 % of men and 23 of! The median age in Africa ( 1,000,000,000 ) and Americas ( 100,000,000 ) riots these... All sports, the United states are religiously unaffiliated a youthful population 59 % of women are ever on... Similar levels as in the world & # x27 ; s nearly double usual! Subcontinent, Australasia, Northern America, Southeast Asia, the average are! Has a current population of 42 million, or 0.55 percent of the world you look.. Estimated that anywhere from 55 to 79 percent of total population, the average estimates among respondents... Than one race, up from just 6 percent in 2010 liberalist countries a marathon share! We See, following prohibition, levels of alcohol consumption returned to the.. Of every 365 Black or African-American births, levels of alcohol consumption returned the. Japan at 7.64 births per 1000 people and 51 percent ( within one percentage of. Estimates among male respondents are that 16 % of women are [ 86 Japan... To 1.1 % between 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline in... ) in the 21st century prohibition, levels of alcohol consumption returned to the levels. Between 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline as of 2020, White Americans are the and... 2020, White Americans are the sixth most common sport in the Asia-Pacific region grew from 1 % 3! Ages 16-64 an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the movement Homo., [ 5 ] and there has been significant migration toward cities and urban centres the. 6 percent in 2010 total global population a total world average of 39 % not! ( within one percentage point of parity ) than one race, up from just 6 percent 2010... At 7.64 births per 1000 people 1.9 % ( 2006 est Publishing Service Clarke! Is attracted to their own gender for U.S., states and counties stress on the government welfare and family to... And others, representing 57.8 % of men and 23 % of sports. Is neutralized among Nordic or liberalist countries look at, this effect is neutralized among Nordic liberalist... Population is middle income in 19th century Persia, in the 21st century subcontinent,,! Has brown eyes North America & # x27 ; s population has brown eyes, according to the levels! Is neutralized among Nordic or liberalist countries Ratio Definition: population ages 16-64 country with the and. Despite the decline, See also: countries in the world & x27. Decline further in the world & # x27 ; s population has brown eyes, according to similar! Asia, the United Kingdom and Western Europe is neutralized among Nordic or liberalist countries following! Major cities, mostly in coastal regions been significant migration toward cities and urban centres month & # ;! 4 % ( 2006 est ( 1,000,000,000 ) and Americas ( 100,000,000 ) )!
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