But, getting back to the story So the pavilions other security guard realized that something was happening and went over. Solid waste management represents a challenge for municipalities, particularly at the collection stage. For us those are recommended cases. Ive never heard anyone talk that fast in my whole life. Camila: lvaro told Edgar that he was going to take the rest of the books and told him to bring a box. (noun) a firmly held belief or opinion. He dates his interest in writing to an impulse to draw comics as a child. Reading that little novel an exercise in the seemingly endless possibilities of fiction proved to be a transformative experience for both of us. Those were tears of joy. There was a very diligent group of police. The first time I tried was in June 2015. Im calling to inform you that the book has been found.. My name is Luca Fernanda Buitrago Montaez. Of course, everyone understands how valuable that book is. They arrived at the police station and the chief of police, Palomino. However no one will believe Damaso at this point. So he said ah well, Ill sell it to you for six dollars. That robbery. Palomino: We know they were going to sell it for more than 120 million pesos. Our interns are Emiliano Rodrguez, Andrs Azpiri and Luis Fernando Vargas. And I would tell them A first edition of. Did they close the case? And she said the worst like 80 times. Luca: Something weird is going on, he said. It may be from here, but I dont really care.. When they hung up, lvaro was in shock. What a country. What is really important and what I take away from all this extends beyond the book. The book was found! And I said, but how could the book be found without anyone telling me? And all of a sudden my phone rings. Edgar: I thought a lot of people looked suspicious. Camila: They, meaning fair security. We showed up and they said, listen, there was a guy here who was interested but hes going to go to Preservencia to buy it there because those guys are pissed off and dont want to come over here because they know the book is a touchy subject.. Its called NPR One and it offers the best from public radio and beyond. Thats a big deal. Major: Would we be able to do that? It was in Uruguay. How could we do it? Daniel: Camila Segura is the senior editor at Radio Ambulante. When they get out to run, they hear gunfire. Camila: Not knowing what he was going to do, Edgar put the box in storage and ordered that no one touch it. lvaro: And I added a note to the book which I wrote on the first page. And, well, we already know how that call went. We didnt get into the details of how it happened. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. Camila: By Monday, this was already the story of the day in all of the newspapers, broadcasts and news bulletins. The shopkeeper pointed out where it was. According to the supervisor, they didnt catch them. I mean, we must be certain of that. Camila: Edgar said something similar to me: Edgar: The fact that the culprit was never found gives me the feeling that things were done a little like the whole thing wasnt so transparent. Camila: Thats the bad part. I hold the rank of supervisor. The inscription says: To lvaro Castillo, the book peddler, like yesterday and as always, from your friend Gabriel. At that point we organized ourselves and got in three cars. But at the time no one thought it was a shoddy lock. How? Garca Mrquez sent the first three chapters of 100 Hundred Years of Solitude to Carlos Fuentes, who along with the Argentinean writer Julio Cortzar was an early fan and supporter. Penguin. Camila: I also asked lvaro what he knew about that. Camila: Basically what he is saying is what all of us Colombians already know more or less: that the police give priority to cases involving more important people, people with money, famous people. Camila: lvaro still didnt tell anyone anything. And David Roa was the one who asked lvaro to loan him all of those books. lvaro: I said, this is really funny. It starts with a call from David Roa to lvaro Castillo. He picked up the book and looked at the price: 180 Uruguayan pesos, which at that time was about seven dollars. Camila: lvaro just arranged the books and made a verbal agreement with David that lvaro was the only person who could touch his books. In 2007, Gabos secretary did lvaro the favor of bringing the book to Mexico to be signed by Garca Mrquez. Their encounter with the dead man changes them, from the inside out. And I couldnt believe it. The thing is, they found the book but not the thief. He later told an Argentinean writer that he could have dictated an entire chapter on the spot if he had had a tape recorder. I freaked out. According to the supervisor, they didnt catch them. To open their bags. Not even me. Barely a sheet of paper. Camila: He insisted that the book was important. And finally, the vendor. I couldnt believe it. Camila: And of course, the business owners dont want their clients to get robbed. And if you hear about it or they come by to try to sell it, youd better give us a call.. And it was the first time the ACLI was in charge of the bookstore at the fair. NPR One joins you this Thanksgiving while you travel or wait in line or wait for a friend. They hadnt filed a complaint. Its hosted by Felix Contreras, and Felix. But at one point David decided to stop giving interviews. Edgar and the guard stood at the exit of the Pavilion and told everyone who tried to leave. There are some details that certainly, for now. Smoke Rings (2k16 version) [Bonus] There Are No Thieves In This Town. They hired two security guards who were only tasked with watching the bookstore, and on top of that, they agreed that one person on their staff would be at the cases at all times. by Jonathan Rosenbaum October 26, 1985. Did you know NPR has an app? Why? They were about to close the fair and the police never arrived. Thats not news for Telfono Rosa. Supervisor: We have a lot of contact with a number of merchants, lets call them, the good and the bad ones. Before the break, Camila was telling us about the robbery of a signed first edition of One Hundred Years of Solitude at the Book Fair in Bogot. Neither floods nor plagues, nor famines nor cataclysms, nor even the eternal wars of century upon century have been able to subdue the persistent advantage of life over death. There Are No Thieves in This Town Balthazar's Marvelous Afternoon Montiel's Widow One Day after Saturday Artificial Roses Big Mama's Funeral A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings The Sea of Lost Time The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World Death Constant Beyond Love The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship Blacaman the Good, Vendor of Miracles But Luca remembered that the agreement was that only lvaro could handle the books. And well I I was already freaking out. How can that be? Edgar didnt talk to me at all. I, well, I turned one. But made-up people and stories are featured on the show to make fun of whats going on in the country. So my major says: Heres the book. The album is a majestically chaotic tapestry held together by moments of sweet serenity blended into gales of noise and disharmony. Camila: Well, it may be a stretch to say everyone, but certainly Im not exaggerating when I say that Gabo is one of Colombias cultural heroes. This narrative prospective is there so you feel bad for Damaso, however he is not respectful of his wife, and instead, is full of himself. Camila: According to what the supervisor told me, 50 million pesos. NPR One joins you this Thanksgiving while you travel or wait in line or wait for a friend. They didnt give lvaro a lot of details either. And what it meant for the whole country. I want to get this over with fast. And I said, jokingly, if this isnt done by Thursday, Im donating it to the National Museum on Friday.. When they said, hey, come here, sargeant. Whats going on, man? Theyre trying to sell that book. What? Yeah. And who are they? I dont know, theyre some guys from La Perseverancia.. And then people would be a little more cooperative. Then the guy abandoned the book and they retrieved it at a store. Its huge. Dont tell me theres another one. He had a huge headache. No. He tells me, the police are coming now so you can file a report. Camila: Everyones spirits were as low as they could be. Daniel: Yes, yes, the express buses in Bogot. Thats a bit excessive, dont you think? Daniel: The people in charge of investigating crimes in Bogot. They told us: Alright, listen up. Until Friday, around two in the afternoon, he went back to one of the bookstores on the intersection of streets 10 and 13. He got out and the shopkeeper, before giving him the book. Camila: The thing is, they found the book but not the thief. Today it is in the collections section, along with the other more valuable books in the National Library. But before he left he asked to use their restroom. Yes, it will close. Basically what he is saying is what all of us Colombians already know more or less: that the police give priority to cases involving more important people, people with money, famous people. I met him and he gave me the nickname libroviejero [man with the old books]. lvaro told me that the squad car was driving at full speed down the Transmilenio lane to avoid traffic. Thank you for listening to Radio Ambulante. Edgar: There came a moment when I lost faith in thinking that the book would turn up if I kept searching people. The music is by Luis Maurette. He brought a satchel to carry the books, since he thought if he left with the box people would say he was the thief. 04. News, local stories, and your favorite podcasts. While Edgar was searching people, Luca knew that she had to call someone, but she thought: I cant tell lvaro myself. I freaked out. So I didnt take them out. A lot of people found that absurd. Camila: He got out and the shopkeeper, before giving him the book. That kind of case doesnt close. The books had cards with bibliographic information. This novella about a hapless colonel eagerly awaiting his pension is far from the magical realism Garcia Marquez became so popular for. Supervisor: And they came with four or five motorcycles. Dont move, dont move, theyre shooting.. And on Saturday, May 2nd, the day the book was stolen and just three days before the end of the fair, about 73 thousand people went to the event. Camila: lvaro needed a moment before he could start the interview. We have accomplished something very important, very important. A first edition copy of. Camila: He showed me the inscription and then he showed me something else. In April of this year, 2016, almost a year after his book was recovered, lvaro got some news from the attorney generals office. Supervisor: But what are their names, man? Camila: Yes, very weird. And he didnt blame whoever was there or anything, either. But Luca is the kind of person who almost never calls. And when David told him that, lvaro. lvaro: They were like CSI or something. lvaro: So, do you want to see the book? Camila: They said they had found out that someone had the book and that this person had set up a meeting with a possible buyer. Supervisor: I mean, a lot of years are going to go by but the case isnt going to close. Show me any old book you see. And sometimes he would show me books and I would have to say man, thats a new book. And today I want to tell you the story of that book. Because he got him old books. Those were tears of joy. story of the day in all of the newspapers, broadcasts and news bulletins. And if you hear about it or they come by to try to sell it, youd better give us a call.. Press Chief: Major, but the book that was stolen at the last Book Fair? And this supervisor spends his time walking through downtown Bogot because thats where most robberies happen. Everyones spirits were as low as they could be. Comedy. Camila: But Luca is the kind of person who almost never calls. I got there to see what was going on. Not at all. and any corresponding bookmarks? I mean what am I going to do? Well, not quite. But the supervisor put it better. So the case with the book was clearly recommended. Camila: They arrived at the police station and the chief of police, Palomino. Yes, 120 million. Were only first editions by Garca Mrquez, which made a kind of general timeline starting with his first published book to his last. Two booksellers from Bogot. . Camila: Yes. Camila: As a collector, lvaro knew exactly what a first edition looked like. by There Are No Thieves In This Town Share / Embed supported by Bralph The God of Strangers is an anthem to all road weary travelers looking for comfort and finding solace in the most unexpected landscapes. Camila: Eight police officers went. Hey Hey Bad Day (Bonus) There Are No Thieves In This Town. A large part of his Garca Mrquez collection which he had spent years compiling. So much so that he didnt even ask Luca for many details. Were going to send a squad car for you.. That day around noon his friend called him back. And it makes me very sad because the book was stolen, but it also gives me peace, tranquility and pride knowing that there are people who can feel another persons minor misfortune, compared to the many misfortunes in life and in the country, as if it were their own. And on top of that, the bookstore was going to be at the exit of the Macondo Pavilion, which was clearly the most important one at the fair. Camila: Ill explain: El Tiempo is one of the most important newspapers in the country and Telfono Rosa is a news section or rather, a gossip section about celebrities in Colombia that comes out once a week, every Sunday. To get there, head to the Village of Outcasts in A film adaptation of "There Are No Thieves in This Town" is released. I mean, at that point I was much more worried and I really wanted to go figure out what had happened with the police because I was really worried that this was going to turn into a big story in the media and we hadnt even filed a report. Edgar: That there must have been some boss yelling at someone: this has to be found because its getting found. Then someone did something. Edit. Ana protests that he could have been shot, and (read more from the There Are No Thieves in This Town Summary). Someone who steals millions and millions of dollars gets eight years in prison and someone who steals a book by Gabo gets 20. Memory Changes. Garca Mrquez had now written four books of literary merit: the novels Leaf Storm (1955) and The Evil Hour (1961); a novella entitled No One Writes to the Colonel (1961); and a short story collection, Big Mama's Funeral (1962). I should say something and do something very meaningful so it seems like Im doing something. Its like really absurd because it was like, not this, this is bigger than me and I have no idea what Im going to do. No, she felt it was more important to stick to the agreement they had made with lvaro. 64. She told him that she was going to write the story herself and send it to eltiempo.com. But. Edgar: Show me any old book you see. And sometimes he would show me books and I would have to say man, thats a new book. In 1970, 100 Hundred Years of Solitude was published in English by Harper & Row. So a senator is robbed, a minister is robbed, someone steals I dont know, the cellphone of a private secretary at the ministry. The film follows a still unsolved murder from the 1890's in New England. This contradicts the title. In that part of the city-center, there are several blocks filled with stands that for years have been selling books, mostly used books. And that proves to us that Colombians, like Garca Mrquez says, are capable of the worst as well as the best. Edgar: I followed people who walked past me up to the door before they could leave and I asked them to open their bags. But made-up people and stories are featured on the show to make fun of whats going on in the country. And today I want to tell you the story of that book. from your Reading List will also remove any It concerns as the titles suggests a large man who drowns, then washes up on the beach of a small village. Yes, it will close. Camila Segura: It starts with a call from David Roa to lvaro Castillo. There are some details that certainly, for now. Garca Mrquez died on April 17, 2014, at home in Mexico City following complications from pneumonia; he was 87. The book was found! And I said, but how could the book be found without anyone telling me? And all of a sudden my phone rings. So my major says: Heres the book. Camila: When David found out that the story was already all over the media, he got fair security on the phone, a retired colonel. agitated (adjective) feeling or appearing troubled or nervous. It involves a poor, unlicensed dentist, Aurelio Escovar, who is called upon by the village mayor to remove an infected tooth. Carolina Guerrero is the CEO. lvaros bookstore, San Librario, also had a stand at the fair. Were very, Translation: There Are No Thieves in This Town. And she says lvaro, you have no idea what kind of shit storm this has caused. Gracias, Gabo. Meanwhile, his friends had arranged for his two recent books to be published. Camila: Edgar figures around 300 people or thereabouts. The inscription says: To lvaro Castillo, the book peddler, like yesterday and as always, from your friend Gabriel. lvaro: He said, I cant believe it. Others said they couldnt speak because they believed they were about to catch the group that had stolen the book. Camila: The lieutenants desk was the same as the others. During this period almost six years he wrote only one short story. He thought about posting something on Facebook but he decided it was better not to. And it was the first time the ACLI was in charge of the bookstore at the fair. Daniel: And where is the book today, Camila? Were you able to figure out how much it would really cost? Why? But my phone doesnt even have a data plan and the fair didnt have wifi and all that. So the supervisor starts going by all the book stands in the area and says to the vendors: Supervisor: Listen, brother, a book got stolen around here. The officers took me to a major and then I retold the whole story: about Radio Ambulante, the theft, the authorization. While he urinates, she opens the package to find three billiard balls. So, of course, for lvaro, if the news came from La Lucirnaga it had to be a joke. They radioed the poor police officer. Those who stole the work can suffer penalties ranging from 6 to 20 years, as well as those who commit the crime of handling stolen goods, meaning, buying this stolen good, could get 4 to 12 years in jail. Camila: Yes. He showed me the inscription and then he showed me something else. The 1975 film The Legend of Lizzie Borden was an example of this. Damaso is not very good at his profession, for instance, he stole billiard balls instead of anything of value. And while it can be easy to focus most of our praise on One Hundred Years of Solitude, undoubtedly his most important novel, let us not forget the stories. Damaso is not very good at his profession, for instance, he stole billiard balls instead of anything of value. They were asking me, Where did you get the book, how much did it cost, how did Garca Mrquez inscribe it for you, why did he inscribe it for you, where were you, who had the keys? And I said, Me, I was the only one who had them. How do you know you are the only one? Because they told me I was the only one.. Camila: The police started questioning everyone. The books had cards with bibliographic information. When they left the interrogation it was practically nighttime. So everyone who went into the pavilion would see the bookstore. Aurelio says to tell . I mean, I have been to that book fair. And no one has been able to explain where that number came from. Heres the book. And the guys? I dont know. Others, including the supervisor, realize that something had dropped to the ground: a box. An alternative approach to traditional music. Luca: The first thing I thought was, how am I going to face lvaro when I see him?. And well, now I have to introduce you to two more people. To stick to the book but not the thief which I wrote on the show make. That Colombians, like yesterday and as always, from the magical realism Garcia Marquez became popular... The authorization his friend called him back but how could the book not! 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