It is not normally playable (even with Ruler Designer), but can be played using mods or by exploiting loopholes. Also Hellenic religion lacks concubines. To help in the struggle against unbelievers, each reformed faith gets a single holy order. The reformer's courtiers at home, dynasty members, and vassals will always follow in the reformation if they are below playable tier. Reforming the religion will cause a schism in the pagan faith. Because raiding counts as war, and they have county conquest casus belli that require no reason for war, however, few rulers need find themselves short on wars for long. Playing from this start is more difficult, as Kiev is bordered to the south by the Tengri Khaganate of Magyars. As I said in OP, if you are Roman Emperor you cannot designate heir for your top tittle. Faith is widespread in earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but is in decline from 1066 onwards. Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. Need the +3 demense to have enough personal levies and also +15 opinion combined with Augustus trait and Born in the Purple ( another +15 opinion) is pretty OP. Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction. Germanic faith is the faith of Scandinavian & Saxon people, worshiping deities like Odin/Wotan. Answered, CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Immortality Event ID and Guide, CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Strange Chest Item and Event Results. Jainism without doubt. With Divine Marriage and Hierocratic leader as a vassal, you can repeatedly divorce and marry the same close relative, each time gaining free money or prestige, and piety. Holy sites: Balkh, Gilgit, Lhasa, Purang and Khotan. Characters are assigned Zodiac traits on birth and by decision. Ruler does not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. Holy Fury Pagan Reformation Tier List & Discussion, Holy Ghost Spirit isnt being talked about enough, Both my character and Christianity are based. Only if I could mark "Helpful" multiple times Is making your concubine who was a "raid-captured daughter of enemy duke" your vassal queen, and then murdering her an exploit? Leadership. However, it only applies to the homeland, and pagans have difficulty converting provinces due to low. I usually take unyielding but in the future I think I'll go with Proselytizing. It has synergy with Agnatic and Enatic doctries, giving us new CB for Patriarchal and Matriarchal depositions. Certain reformation doctrines allow Open succession or Eldership as well. Which religion is best? The Orthodox Pentarchy is also fun. Also for flavour. Btw, is there any reason NOT to take unyelding? I have an Ironman 867 Guge game on the verge of reforming the religion. And raised levies opinion penalty only really counts if you are at war all the time. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games. Hard to Convert. AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions. A religion's nature determines its attitude toward warfare and religious conversion. First off I didn't do any exploits. Stability removes short reign penalty, which was not a problem for me ever. By PegaluxX, January 4, 2019 in Crusader Kings 2. No Revolt Risk for different religion in county. Holy Fury Pagan Reformation Tier List & Discussion, How much of a direct gameplay advantage it gives (Power), Totem Guardians (African) - A for Power, A for Fun, Harmonious (Bon) A for Power, B for Fun, Civilized (Hellenic) A for Power, B- For Fun, Divine Marriage B- for Power, Meme for Fun, Sons of Ragnarok (Germanic) B+ for Power, B for Fun, Dawnbreakers (Zun) B+ for Power, Meme for Fun, Eternal Riders (Tengri) C- for Power, C for Fun, Invaders (Aztec) C+ for Power, B- for Fun, Defenders of Dievas (Romuva) Absolutely Useless. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. Most pagan faiths permit female temple holders regardless of gender law; exceptions are noted below. Moral Authority edit Main article: Moral authority The pagan homeland attrition penalty does not function, however, against other unreformed pagans. By "exploiting mechanics" I don't mean using exploits, I meant taking mechanics to the extreme. Recommended Posts. There is a trait that gives u another +5 same religion opinion. Toggle signature. Wouldn't go saying it's amazing but instantly getting gender equality saves a ton of hassle with tech and laws. Example: Your sister matri marries some guy from Ashina dynasty, they have a daughter for example, all you have to do is to matri marry her to your male heir. Strangely there are no upsides to Shia or Ibadi. * Your mileage may vary. You also have to remember the example you've given is a really fringe situation exploiting several mechanics. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Information, Frequently Asked Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert. Germanic pagans do especially well since they get free ships, can navigate rivers, and are close to prime raiding targets. And you can make a chain of your demesne inside the silk trade route. I like Romuva and Suomensusko the best but I don't have much experience with Bon but I think I'll try them soon. While a casual player might not notice, an intermediate player probably will. So I'm not a very big fan of Autonomous. With the Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding. Doubles the pool for good commanders and councillors and as a bonus you can give consorts to your daughters. Blood sacrifices is super fun, esp. Reformer becomes the first religious head. When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. It's a bit of a challenge but shouldn't be too much for any player with a bit of experience. There are better options for mix-maxing/efficient play. Hierocratic and Autocephalous is a good way when we don't want to bother much with religious head but want to have high MA. Unlocks Raiding if unavailable (eg Hellenic). AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous. PegaluxX. Certain pagans have access to additional succession laws. This allows other pagans (especially Tengri and Germanic pagans) to fairly easily invade other pagans with conquest and subjugation casus belli. Don't @ me, if you dis. Late to the party but I like this one; for the purpose of acquiring bloodlines. It has its downsides because it makes AI more aggressive and incompetent AI can tank our MA very hard. By doing a Pagan Reformation, the player decides to change the way their religion works for their CK2 playthrough. re: Equality I rarely take it as African because I already get consorts for free but it is powerful. In fact, if they have high moral authority, and have damaged rival religions' moral authority with their conquests and stolen holy sites, or control unreformed pagan lands, they will soon be flooded with notices of conversions of territories that are held by their vassals, who will put forth serious effort to convert their lands to their new faith. Most of them have the same attributes as normal Doctrines, plus some features: This part will decide how the religious head of the reformed pagan religion will work: And that is all you need to know about pagan reformation in CK2. The Short Reign relations modifier is three times more severe for pagans. Temporal gives us nice hat upon reformation, and is part of synergy dogmatic, divine marriage which does not work atm. Intermarry Eastern group, Zoroastrian group. Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. Additionally, Unyielding is a bit of a jack of all trades if you want to blob, Proselyting is better for converting provinces. With bad technology. +15 vassal opinion. Proselyting - ??? The sun is reflected beautifully on his bald head. No male in the council. It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. Stability: It does what it says, your vassals rarely start any factions, your domain limit is huge, all is well until you want to start some wars. Posted January 4, 2019. They also gain access to Great Holy Wars if the Catholics have unlocked Crusades or the Muslims have unlocked Jihads. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Having young concubines (below the age of 45) gives a monthly prestige gain, which is especially useful for tribal and nomadic pagans. Hierocratic/Autocephalous is also doable but the religious head can be a real moron and not call GHW as soon as it becomes available. Independent lieges of this religion can construct, Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability, Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability, Religion is resistant to proselytizing. You want to conquer followers of the Cross/Crescent anyways. Lose piety when at war against faithful.Penalty to Spymaster steal technology. While you're spreading religion across the world, why not check out some of our other guides on Crusader Kings II. Havent seen many posts about reforming the Bon religion. Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. Stability is nice, but traveling Rivers without upkeep reduction is way more expensive than walking. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. If it doesnt then Children of Perun is tier 3 really, nothing cool in it, I think it was specifically designed to sail rivers around Russia. Expect frequent raids and wars between realms that accept the new faith and those that reject it. It gets pretty boring tbh. However, invaders can negate the attrition by quickly building a fort in each province they enter, or by having Military Organization 4 in their capital. There's a mod that fixes this. If a king of a faith stays true to the old ways, and many vassals convert to the new religion, this can cause tremendous upheaval in a nation, and lead to multiple, simultaneous and devastating deep revolts. Can't agree with stability doctrine, tech and artifacts lower short reign penalty so it is not worth to take it, and as I said from my experience it is easy to overcome. Meritocracy is just delayed open succession after we get to Primogeniture law. If you pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or Aztec, you will lose their innate military bonuses (bug? Valve Corporation. Duke-tier religious heads common for all realms. I agree, meliorism should have notification. If we pick it as germanic, tengri or aztec we will lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. Also, as tech advances, rival feudal realms can take advantage to construct better buildings for greater economic and military power. Inbreeding can be offset with concubines/polygamy. Alternatively, feudal kings and emperors can enact the "Full Council Authority" law and adopt feudal elective succession. I wish it was more interactive (e.g. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in the first doctrine slot, it is lost. Fun and flavourful doctrines or flat bonuses (infidel tax and monasticism) .,, UNITED STATES - The Cathar United States of Byzantium and Carpathia, Disallow avuncular marriage and cousin marriage. using concubines). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Doesnt block us from raiding, hunting focus etc. Rulers can choose to gain sympathy with another faith by decisions. As such, it is best used when the player is ready for their nation to "mature" from aggressive expansion against small targets to needing to maintain an empire. Also unrelenting is heavily underrated. (There is one exception. A generic Pagan faith is used in the history files to represent everyone from pre-Christian Irish kings to pre-Islamic Arabs. Rulers with Zunist holy sites in their demesne may also secretly convert to the faith. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. Enatic-cognatic law is available. The default succession law for tribal unreformed pagans is elective gavelkind. The best Doctrines by far are the two "Clans" option with the slight edge to Enatic. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. The likelihood of getting a Venerated Ancestor is also somewhat dependent on what other doctrines you've taken - some combinations make getting a Venerated Ancestor extremely unlikely. Great Holy War against a single disfigured child. Historically, the pagan faiths were gradually supplanted by Christianity, Islam, Dharmic religions, and Eastern religions, but this does not necessarily happen in the game. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are better. Intermarry Buddhist, Zoroastrian group. If you have tribal government, it is recommended to choose either Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine to avoid Gavelkind succession law. The gavelkind succession law will remain even if you return to an unreformed pagan religion later. If we pick it as germanic, tengri or aztec we will lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion. Animistic has same problems as unrelenting, it gives rite of passage event when reaching adulthood which has some flavour. Pagans tend to be powerful in early years but weaken as time passes for several reasons: There is hope, however: should the Pagan faiths become reformed, the faith's survival is almost set in stone. I don't know why I wouldn't expect new players to land their kin as well, unless someone is telling them not to. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Also I really wish we were given an "alert" for when Meliorism from Stability is ready :(. Table View Card View (Such as reconquering Slavic lands as a Slav from Christians.) The Aztec holy sites have no relation to the Aztec religion, they are simply meant as well-defended targets in nations that the Aztec Empire might conquer. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Each temple looted in a raid gives +1% to moral authority. The version without a religious head and Great Holy War becomes a heresy and is called the "Old" version of the religion. Can proselytize in pagan capital even when tribal or nomad. Unyielding also reduces AI aggressiveness, which can be a negative if you want your AI vassals to attack/invade your enemies for you. Orthodox. With tribal mechanics, pagans cannot raise Tribal Organization very high without having severe relations penalty for tribal Unreformed Pagan vassals (-30 opinion with Absolute). Reformed pagans will gain a sudden bonus to their conversion rates. Partially redundant with Children of Perun doctrine. BTW, excommunications make king viceroys actually viable and not a PITA: you can excommunicate, arrest and execute a king viceroy whenever you like it, and appoint a new one. And isn't Civilized like a dream? Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines. And the Indian religions. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit. Rulers who are neither at war, nor raiding, nor bound by an active truce lose a significant amount of prestige per month. Stability is useless without Eldership law. Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. All Offensive pagans also gain a +30% bonus to their levy sizes, making up for likely lower technology and smaller fort holdings. 2019, Foreign missionaries become more effective, venerate a given ancestor, in a process similar to sainthood,, Play Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. ( But Imperial Succession is nearly same as heir designation so you may want to pick the Religious tax doctrine to get tons of cash. Pagan vassals are more likely to seek independence, and gain warscore more rapidly than others in independence wars. Before patch 3.0, Hellenic paganism also fell into this category. So if you like seeing dukes in the middle of other kingdoms take distant kingdoms and break out of their vassal king resulting in non stop dejure wars and infighting, then sure prepared invasions are for you (masochist). You are using an out of date browser. Just know ahead of time that the owner of the title can't marry or be betrothed unless they have another title like count or something. This means you may invade territory held by another faith, but still gain the defensive bonus so long as the battle takes place upon land of your faith. Edit: mixed it up, retaining matrilineal lines if you ever want to go back to male rulers will be trouble, not the other way around. No penalty for female rulers. Warmongering - "raised levies penalty" is no so great pain in the ass anyways. It has synergy with enatic/agnatic or meritocracy, after 9 successful boosts for close family relative we get a bloodline. Interactive corporate website, Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10%, Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2, Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%, National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +1, Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%, National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5%, Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5. on Paradox technology, Legal The easiest route to reform the faith is with a Finnish ruler as de-jure Finland has one holy site and two others near it. The Zunists are unique in that they are somewhat of a hybrid of the Offensive and Defensive; generic Paganism grants no bonuses. Reforming the Aztec faith is possible but extremely difficult. Eldership Succession law is available, Bloodthirsty Gods + Seabound + Unrelenting, Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies + Syncretism + Meritocracy. AI looter prefer coastal counties. Best one in the loser tier. Is AV and Temporal actually working in conjunction for you or you just marrying into the saints' lines? "Converting" for a day so you can join a society seems pretty gamey to me - i.e. Reformation tends to grant benefits of stability and the capacity to declare wars on larger-scale targets that smaller pagan nations couldn't attack, but lose many of the benefits that would help a small pagan nation expand more readily or defend itself from larger targets. I can't disagree strongly enough with this. Each one can only occur at a certain, and different, time each year. Polygamy is just negative prestige bonus if we dont have enough wives, and concubines have the same fertility rate and we can set them aside so there isnt really need to have polygamy. Disagree. Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full. Levy size & attack bonus from unreformed Tengri faith will be lost. Reformed offensive pagans no longer lose prestige when at peace. When reforming your religion, you will get the choice of how your new religion will work: Will it have Great Holy Wars? The other side of the coin is that peace is seen as unbecoming. Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. Edit: I have recommended a combination that gives u an ultra stable realm but if you want to expand and get the SPQR achievement, then pick the Unyielding doctrine and Temporal leadership instead. I think that'd be the best. Other pagan faiths have different modifiers. It just looks so good: +80% Defense and +80% morale for all units if fighting at county of this religion. Tribal vassals who follow in reformation will no longer have opinion penalties for higher levels of tribal organization, no longer faction to lower tribal organization, and will usually vote in favor of increasing tribal organization. For example, the average/casual player is probably not going be aggressively bloodline stacking. The religious head can decide upon death to. Stuff that sounds good at first sometimes turns out to be not so great. Duke-tier religious head common for all realms. Patron Deities. As temporal head you get to choose who to venerate. My personal experience with Venerated Ancestors has been extremely inconsistent. Meritocracy seems like the best non unique doctrine to me. For example, if you want to paint the map, pick Temporal and use GHW. However, by 1337, only two chiefs in northern Finland/Sweden follow the faith, with the rest of Finno-Ugric lands being divided between Catholic/Orthodox Christians and the Sunni Golden Horde. This faith is exceptionally limited - it has all the disadvantages of unreformed paganism and none of the benefits, nor can it be reformed. Its downsides because it makes AI more aggressive and incompetent AI can tank our very... In earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but traveling rivers without upkeep reduction is more... 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