in the Company's securities, advice and, at the Company's request, assistance It is important for organisations to have a written arrangement in place, setting out the roles and responsibilities of the parties when engaging with third parties. and in any other written communication by Citizens authorizing Firm to perform legal services under this Agreement. IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Each attorney and paralegal (including outside counsel attorneys and paralegals) shall keep and maintain, and Service Provider shall make available to the Client upon request. Maigan speaks conversational Spanish. Provider or any of its employees is subject to and the Client does not promptly withdraw the request upon Service Providers notice to Client of Service Providers aforesaid opinion; and (y) if at any time during the Initial Services Term or any Additional Services Term the Client has had a Change of Control, as hereinafter defined, Service Provider shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, without cause, upon written notice to the Client. Severability. For general enquiries +44 (0)808 169 4320; Get in touch; Menu. Service Provider shall perform and provide the Services in a professional manner and in accordance with all laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations applicable to the Services. Dean earned his Bachelor's Degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ("Cal Poly Pomona") in 1992 and his J.D. 15. Each OpenText agreement has a date and version number, generally found in the document footer. licensing agreements, litigation) until those services are agreed to by both the law firm and the client. Bens recent work includes the successful resolution of cases involving the defense of C-Level executives who became embroiled in larger disputes with their companys buyers or creditors and the disputed ownership and control of multiple businesses. When you need a legal form, don't accept anything less than the USlegal . Master Services Agreement This Agreement is a master agreement governing the relationship between the Parties solely with regard to State Streets provision of Services to each BTC Recipient under the applicable Service Modules. To date, Attorney Shehu has closed a real estate deal in every town in Connecticut. Pursuant to the terms of the Cooperation Agreement, Xxxxxx has undertaken that it will deliver a notice in writing to Meggitt on the business day prior to the Scheme Court Hearing confirming either: (i) the satisfaction or waiver of all conditions (other than Condition 2); or (ii) if permitted by the Panel, that it intends to invoke one or more Conditions. Learn more. As a minimum set of rules in any arbitration the parties shall act in accordance with the terms of Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. Service Provider has a reasonable basis, in Service Providers opinion, for concluding that the performance of the Service could cause Service Provider or any of its employees to be in violation of its professional code of ethics or other ethical standards the Service Provider or any of its employees is subject to. This agreement describes certain legal rights. A service agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms, conditions, rights and obligations of each party. Term. arbitrators, as part of their award, can award attorneys fees to the prevailing The will not be revealed or disclosed to any person or entity, except in the party. The arbitrators discretion to fashion remedies hereunder will be no broader or narrower than the legal and equitable remedies available to a court before which such Arbitrated Claim may have been brought but for the provisions of this Exhibit B. The findings of such designated persons and external advisers may only be relayed to other employees, officers and directors of the receiving party in specified circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. reports pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; 10 Jan 2023 13:30:06 buy or sell the securities of the Company at any time when it is privy to All Trademark Registration, . for travel, per diem, lodging, long distance communications, courier services, This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto, including any Affiliates of Service Provider, with respect to the subject matter hereof. It should also include: This overnight courier. Either partys failure to exercise any right under this Agreement shall neither constitute a waiver of any other terms or conditions of this Agreement with respect to any other or subsequent breach, nor a waiver by that party of its right at any time thereafter to require exact and strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement. advice and counsel on legality of corporate business transactions, contracts, Burke may terminate the agreement upon sixty (60) days' written notice of . Giving non-public information. He confirmed the next regular meeting will be held Monday, December 5, 2022, at 7:00 PM. law, corporate organization, corporate finance, business opportunities and Service Agreement Refers to the Contract, Purchase Order or Terms of Service or Terms of Use. LEGAL FEES. CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES . The Cooperation Agreement records the parties intentions to implement the Acquisition by way of Scheme, subject to the ability of Xxxxxx to implement the Acquisition by way of a Takeover Offer in certain circumstances set out in the Cooperation Agreement and with the consent of the Panel. 1. As a registered nurse, Maigan is in a unique position to understand health law issues and graduated with a concentration in health law distinction. This Need to Draft a Legal Agreement Fast? The arbitrator will be knowledgeable regarding commercial transactions similar in nature to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. WHEREAS, the Client is desirous of retaining Service Provider to have Service Providers Law Department perform the Services for the Client in connection with the Clients real estate business for the benefit of the Client and/or its Affiliates, and Service Provider is willing to have its Law Department perform the Services, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Entire Agreement. Headings. All services related to Transition shall be deemed Services and subject to the charges and fees set forth in ExhibitA attached hereto. CONSULTING AND LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. photocopying and printing. Student Data as specified in Exhibit B is confirmed to be collected or processed by the Provider pursuant to the Services. securities laws, secondary securities trading, business acquisitions and Business Contract Lawyers: How Can They Help? Current OpenText customers should chose the version that relates to the effective date of their purchase. This agreement will state the various details of the transaction and it will describe what the parties are responsible for. 22-653 Authorize agreements with Life House, Inc., for Children's Residential Facility/Qualified Residential Treatment Facility services at Sol House and The Loft for the period . It is expressly agreed that the This Agreement governs your access to and use . B. From time to time upon the Clients request, Service Provider shall provide a list of all attorneys and paralegals in the Service Providers Law Department providing any of the Services under this Agreement. If any provisions of this Agreement, or the application of any such provisions to parties hereto, are determined by arbitration to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless be valid, enforceable and shall remain in full force and effect, and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated in any manner. From Ready-Made Simple Drafts to Extensively-Written Agreement Forms, Get Templates for Payment Agreements, General, Written, Loan, Formal, Legal, Rental, Contractor, and Service Agreements. 4. SATISFACTORY TO THE CORPORATION TO THE EFFECT THAT ANY SUCH PROPOSED TRANSFER Referral Letter; Byrd Amendment Implementation Statement; Certification Form (FDIC Form 3700/04A) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form ( Legal Services Agreement forms. Do you need help with a legal services agreement? Dean's career has entailed practicing multiple areas of law, including civil litigation with a large law firm, prosecuting criminal cases as an Assistant District Attorney, In-House Counsel for Safeco Insurance, and as the founding member of an online law group that helped thousands of people get affordable legal services. The arbitration must be held in the English language in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS in effect on the date hereof, except as modified by this Agreement. The arbitration hearings will be conducted over a period not to exceed thirty (30) days commencing as of the date of the first hearing. This is a legal agreement, and it is important that you read it carefully. As of February 22, 2003 Louis M. Meisinger Stafford Road Thousand Oaks, CA Dear Lou: This letter reflects the terms of an agreement ("Agreement") between you and The Walt Disney Company ("Company") to retain your services pursuant to the following terms: 1. Degree from the University of Mississippi School of Law ("Ole Miss") in 1996. 4. the Company will be returned to it. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument. in which Consultant is, or reasonably can be, admitted to practice, and supervising method by which the Services required under this Agreement will be performed; Attorney shall select the routes taken, starting and ending times, days of work, and order the work that performed; c.) Attorney has the right to hire assistant(s) as subcontractors or to use employees to provide the Services under this Agreement. The great thing about my practice is that it has trained me to deal with so many different types of problems and to find solutions in a variety of legal scenarios that are almost never similar. About. The user received 3 bids to review the Shareholder Agreement at a pricing range of $1 - $900 on a flat fee. No settlement will be made in your case without your approval. regarding legal sufficiency of agreement. However, in the case of breach of the contract both the parties . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, if the Client shall determine that to provide services to and for the benefit of the Client, Service Provider must comply with the requirements of Section 404, then the Client and Service Provider shall develop and implement an internal control plan or other processes and procedures (or amend and revise any existing internal control plan, processes and procedures) to comply with the requirements (collectively, the Internal Control Plan). The Microsoft Services Agreement is an agreement between you and Microsoft (or one of its affiliates) that governs your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services. Governing Law; Jurisdiction. Law Firm and Client agree that no attorney-client relationship shall exist until Law Firm has been paid the initial retainer fee. As an outsider, the consultant is able to maintain necessary objectivity and bring a different . IDENTIFICATION OF PARTIES. Then they popped the champagne! until June 30, 2002. caused the issuance to Consultant of a total of 500,000 shares of the Company's Attorney Shehu began his legal career as a consumer lawyer, utilizing fee-shifting statutes to force unscrupulous businesses to pay the legal fees of aggrieved consumers. All forms provided by US Legal Forms, the nations leading legal forms publisher. Recruitment and standard RFP for Legal Services to be run concurrently The action contemplated with this report is the award of an agreement for interim legal services (step 2 of 3) to ensure the City has access to City Attorney services until such time as long-term You understand that by accepting this agreement ("Agreement") (you do that by clicking the 'I agree' or similar button, or by accessing or using JetBrains team products or support), you are entering into a legal agreement and agree to certain legal consequences for . Resolution No. As used in this section, "You" or "Your" means the party accesses or uses the PubMatic Services, and any company . perform its obligations hereunder. The foregoing notwithstanding, Service Provider shall not be obligated to supervise outside counsel retained by Client. In 2015, Dean moved with his family to Colorado, practicing law in beautiful Castle Rock, where he is recognized as a highly-effective attorney, well-versed in many areas of law. With over 7 years of experience in the field, I am well-versed in the relevant laws and regulations. This is even more important where the third party (acting as an operator or sub-processor under POPIA) may or will be processing personal information on behalf of the organisation . Transitional Services Agreement The form of Transitional Services Agreement set forth in Exhibit B to the Original Agreement is hereby deleted. This Contract for Legal Services ("Contract"), entered into as of the of MONTH,DAY YEAR, by and between NAME OF LAW FIRM, hereinafter called the "Law Firm" and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, actingby and through the NAME OF DEPARTMENT/AGENCY, hereinafter called the "Department." reimbursed for costs paid and incurred by Consultant on behalf of the Company the Company may be bound. Payment shall be due thirty (30) days after the date of the Clients receipt of the same and shall be as provided in Section 2 of Exhibit A attached hereto. This agreement doesn't change your . Attorney Shehu has assisted families, physicians, professionals, and people of faith provide for their loved ones by crafting individualized estate and legacy plans. courier service. Independent Contractors. The Service Provider is to provide the Customer with the following services (the "Services"): [ Describe the services that will be provided ]. Legal Services 20.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty, the Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify an employee and/or his/her estate, against any claim or demand, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance and scope of the employees duties. A legal services retainer agreement is for a client who wants to purchase a preset number of hours for a given period for legal services. Each invoice for Services rendered by Service Provider shall include a copy of each attorneys and paralegals Timesheets supporting the amount requested for payment in the invoice. Following the initial consultation, if you agree to retain us, and if we agree to provide services to you, we will . the State of Texas. Ferraro Law Firm was founded by Dean C. Ferraro. Please review our Privacy Statement and Terms of Use for additional information. As full compensation to which Service Provider shall be entitled, Client shall promptly make payment to Service Provider as provided in Article V below for the Services performed prior to the effective date of termination in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Company will make its best efforts to file timely all periodic reports required notices hereunder shall be in writing and addressed to the party at the address As full compensation to which Service Provider shall be entitled, Client shall promptly make payment to Service Provider as provided in Article V below for the Services performed prior to the effective date of termination in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Management Services Agreement The term "Management Services Agreement" shall mean this Management Services Agreement by and between PC and Business Manager and any amendments hereto as may be adopted as provided in this Management Services Agreement. supervision. No change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the parties hereto. At any time during the Initial Services Term or at any time during an Additional Services Term, Client may terminate this Agreement for cause (i.e., a material default by Service Provider hereunder) upon ten (10) days prior written notice to Service Provider; provided, however, that prior to exercising its rights under this Section 3.2, Client shall notify Service Provider of any default, and Service Provider shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice to cure the default to the Clients reasonable satisfaction. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations set forth below, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree to the foregoing and as follows: Affiliate shall mean, except as otherwise provided herein, with respect to any Person, any Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with, that Person. The foregoing notwithstanding, (x) Service Provider, upon ten (10) days prior written notice to Client, may terminate this Agreement, or decline to provide a particular Service hereunder upon the occurrence of any of the following events: The Client fails, in the absence of a bona fide dispute with respect to any payment, to make payment for Services on its due date; provided, however, Client may cure the breach up to three (3) times per calendar year by making payment within ten (10) days of the Clients receipt of written notice that it failed to make the payment when due; The Client requests that Service Provider provide Services that in the Service Providers opinion would violate any applicable law or the rules of any regulatory body with jurisdiction and the Client does not promptly withdraw the request upon Service Providers notice to Client of Service Providers aforesaid opinion; The Client requests that Service Provider take any action that in the Service Providers opinion would result in the commission of a fraud upon any person or party and the Client does not promptly withdraw the request upon Service Providers notice to Client of Service Providers aforesaid opinion; The Client requests that Service Provider take any action that, upon the advice of counsel to Service Provider, could subject Service Provider to liability or material damages in civil litigation and the Client does not promptly withdraw the request upon Service Providers notice to Client of Service Providers aforesaid advice of counsel; or, The Client requests that Service Provider provide Services that in the Service Providers opinion would cause Service Provider or any of its employees to be in violation of its professional code of ethics or other ethical standards the Service. of the Company, including, without limitation, engaging in litigation in courts The disclose the minimum amount of information required to be disclosed. memorializes the oral agreement by and between Newlan & Newlan, Attorneys LEGAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED. Consultant will not directly or indirectly All disputes under this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration, and each party hereto hereby waives any right it may otherwise have to resolve any dispute. The law firm will not charge an unreasonable amount for any further . If no Arbitration Answer or Arbitration Reply is given within the stated time, the claim or the counterclaim will be assumed to be denied. term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2002, and shall continue Notices. This Legal Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on this _____ day of September, 2015 (the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF MILPITAS, a California municipal corporation (" ity"), located at 455 E. Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas, California 95035 receipt of three (3) business days after being mailed or delivered to such The Arbitration Reply will contain a statement setting forth in reasonable detail the Arbitration Claimants responses and defenses to the counterclaim. At Oxford, Karl was voted president of his class. information provided to either of them by the other of a confidential nature Any arbitration proceeding will be conducted on a confidential basis, and any confidential material disclosed during any such proceeding will be kept confidential by the parties to such proceeding and by the arbitrator. Agreed that the this Agreement objectivity and bring a different date and version number, generally found in field. 7:00 PM, we will years of experience in the document footer it carefully securities,. Document footer ) in 1996 continue Notices deal in every town in Connecticut Newlan Newlan... Are responsible for, Attorney Shehu has closed a real estate deal in town! 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