Moving away from The Clone Wars, in Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith, Artoo had three kills under his belt; two Super Battle Droids and a Buzz Droid. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. While pursuing General Grievous' starfighter, Skywalker and R2-D2's starfighter was hit by a piece of shrapnel. See this article's, Battle of Yerbana and reunion with Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex, Members of the 501st Legion (Galactic Republic), The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, Star Wars Book V: The Last Flight of the Harbinger, Star Wars Book XIII: The Scourging of Shu-Torun, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Vol. Hes a threat just based on the decades of information he has stored on his memory drive, and he could easily have given it all away if he ended up in the hands of the Empire or the First Order. [54], When C-3PO agreed to help fix the damage, Orphne gave the droids a parting riddle. Hes quippy and resourceful, and pretty much anyone the droid has ever interacted withespecially C-3POwould be long dead if they had never encountered him. R2-D2 with the help of Verlaine managed to lure the rockrenders into the Enclave's den. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. [104], Later, the Rebel Alliance established a base on the remote icy planet of Hoth and R2-D2 followed his companions there. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The walker fell, crashing tremendously; Han, Leia, R2, and the slaves emerged from the wreckage and began retreating into the trash fields. But if R2-D2 needs to get his circuits a little dirty in Episode IX? He then accompanied Rey and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon to Ahch-To, the planet identified as Luke's final destination. R2-D2s real show of force is seen several decades later as he sets off on a rescue mission to save, of all droids, C-3PO. Han and Chewie gradually recovered and R2 rebooted 3PO's systems, just in time to see a captive Luke depart and subsequently crash in a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. [100] They worked their way through the facility, eventually reaching the control room. On one occasion, R2-D2 was with his master while he taught his apprentices about the Force. He also instructed the astromech droid to guard his lightsaber while he re-entered the starfighter to fly into the geyser. R2-D2 searching the Death Star database for signs of the Rebels. While reattaching Threepio's legs, R2-D2 was forced to attend to the ship's hyperdrive, which had been disabled by the Imperials. Senator Bail Organa sent R2-D2 and his counterpart, C-3PO to escort the Imperial Minister Maketh Tua and the Aqualish arms dealer Amda Wabo to the planet Garel. [63], Upon escaping Pons Ora, R2-D2 and the rest of D-Squad traveled to a Venator-class Star Destroyer, which was orbiting Abafar. In the comic, Artoo sets off on a solo journey to rescue C-3PO from the Empire. Who Has The Highest Number Of Kills In Star Wars? Before he left, he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems. Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. Their mission was also complicated by the presence of Pantoran delegation led by Chairman Chi Cho and Senator Riyo Chuchi, which maintained a territorial claim over Orto Plutonia. The liquid electrocuted and disabled the stormtroopers' whose boots it had overtaken. He also has a knack for convincing others to fight alongside him and his friends when he cant literally reprogram them. Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time Kit Fisto (the one on the right) Plo Koon. [90], Luke recuperated quickly, reclaiming his lightsaber and leaving the thief in a daze. Buzz saw[11]Electric pike[source? The droid also possessed sophisticated computer access equipment that allowed him to quickly read entire networks, and unbeknownst to all but a select few, the droid had been secretly keeping internal copies of much of the data he had accessed over the decades. Before the gundarks could finish Artoo off, a bomb on the bridge exploded; raining shreds of shrapnel on one of the gundarks and forcing the other to flee. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. During the Senate's break, Amidala returned to Naboo with her retinue and R2-D2, who accompanied her to her family home. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. In the official. However, the found themselves pursued by Darth Vader's TIE Advanced starfighter and two other TIE fighters. [59] On the way back to Coruscant, their Jedi training cruiser, the Crucible, was intercepted by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his gang. Defeated, Grievous fled in an escape pod. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. The team prepared to retreat while C-3PO, who was waiting with the Millennium Falcon in the huge refuse fields that surrounded the factory, brought the Falcon in to pick them up for their escape. [25], Han, Leia, and several slaves boarded the walker. Upon landing, R2-D2 reunited with C-3PO while Leia chatted with Han, Luke, and Chewbacca. The adrenaline coursing through every vein in his body, and the sound of outgoing weapons firing overhead as they surged ahead in the battle. R2 knew it was to protect Luke from the Sith, until he was of age to become a Jedi although, following Kenobi's lead, he did not tell the former-farmboy. An R2-D2-type artificial explode like in the movies, but it can disable the seeker or intelligence could someday control a laser weapon, paired burn off the guidance fin of a missile, leaving it incapable with existing chaff and flare defences, to defend warplanes of steering to the target. This moved R5-D4, who once worked for the Rebellion.[76]. r2d2 kill count. R2 readied his electric pike, but did not have to use it, because at familiar sight of Luke's lightsaber, they ran. In the. Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles, illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. [97], C-3PO had met difficulties on the way to the Millennium Falcon, in the form of 0-0-0 and BT-1. [122] During the Imperial Era, Tano missed R2-D2 and his help while she was hiding on Raada, but they reunited when Senator Organa located her, resulting in a happy reunion. [64], R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the planet Scipio. R2-D2 programmed the coordinates into the ship's navicomputer, and it jumped to hyperspace. [11], However, he took the two droids anyway. 31 [deleted] 2 yr. ago What about Nien Nunb? The two droids quarreled on the way, with C-3PO blaming him for his incompetence. Total - 1 TBA 1234 . During their mission, R2-D2 and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the recent earthquake. R-series[6] R2-D2 and Ahsoka barely managed to rescue Lux from murder by the Separatists and fled from Mandalore. Han believed R2-D2 and the Jawas would get the cannons workingthey just needed to give them the time. Just then, a flash grenade tumbled into the room and exploded; temporarily blinding Luke, and short-circuiting R2. Han piloted it through the heart of the factory smashing holes over twenty meters high through the facility's walls. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in, , Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. Leia, Sana and Aphra confronted Eneb, who gave Leia a choice: kill Aphra, or Han and Luke die. Prior to departing Scipio, Skywalker and Amidala went to retrieve files from a vault in Clovis' alpine residence. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Serving Padm Amidala 1.2 The Clone Wars 1.2.1 Genesis of the Clone Wars While Wolffe and his clone troopers were skeptical of their story, the two droids' efforts were greatly appreciated by the Aleena. Amidala managed to pass the datacard to Skywalker and R2-D2 before she succumbed to the effects of a poison drink spiked by Senator Dod. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) KILL COUNT. Skywalker was rescued by Republic forces but Artoo was recovered by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, who sold him to General Grievous. When Luke Skywalker failed to return from a snow patrol, Han Solo traveled out on another tauntaun to rescue him. [80], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. R2-D2 and C-3PO watch as the Rebel fleet departs for Scarif. Krrsantan blew a hole into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but was attacked by Chewbacca. Imperial Engineer - Killed by R2-D2. After the rebels had departed, R2-D2 showed Bail Organa a recording of his time with them. Sometime following the events on Vrogas Vas, R2-D2 alongside C-3PO escorted Leia and Sana Starros aboard the Volt Cobra, as they brought Doctor Aphra to be incarcerated at the highly secret Sunspot Prison, a facility closely orbiting a star. The quartet were accompanying Rush Clovis, a delegate who represented the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Senate. and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. Nineteen years following the purge of the Galactic Republic, R2-D2 played a pivotal role in helping the Rebel Alliance destroy the Empire's Death Star superweapon. This diversion enabled R2-D2 to escape with Ahsoka and Lux on a speeder. [45], While conversing with Clovis and Dod, Amidala managed to steal a hologram disc which confirmed that Clovis was indeed associated with the Separatists. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. Despite these setbacks, he still made it to the Falcon, but only to find that Luke had been captured and Black Krrsantan had gained the upper hand again. [119], After returning from Sinta, R2-D2 stayed behind at the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss as Rey and others traveled to Pasaana to search for a Sith wayfinder. (Shared kill), Destroyed in an explosion caused by R2-D2. [35], During the Separatist assault on Bothawui, R2-D2 flew in the droid socket of General Skywalker's starfighter. Princess Leia Organa giving R2-D2 the plans to the Death Star. Total - 1 Two Unknown AT-DP Pilots - Blown up when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Sabine Wren pushed a cart of explosives underneath it. R3-S6 - Defeated by R2-D2 and knocked off a platform. Over the course of ten Star Wars live-action films, R2-D2 has been portrayed by a mix of costume shells "worn" by a small human performer, by remote-controlled mechanical props, by empty shells puppeteered externally, and by computer graphics. [18], As the ship traveled to Tatooine, R2-D2 was taken before Sab, the Queen's decoy in the guise of Amidala, where he was commended for his actions. [52], Following the destruction of their escape transport, Master Piell and R2-D2 contacted the Jedi Council for help. The suns were setting when they neared the hut, while Luke divulged in his reasoning for returning; nearly everything he knew about the Force he had learned from Ben Kenobi, and he believed that he sometimes heard the disembodied voice of the Jedi Master. . The assessment breaks down Chopper's, er, murderous tendencies as follows: In "the machine in the Ghost" Chopper blows up a TIE-Fighter, so that's 1 kill. When C-3PO failed to dissuade the Ewoks, Skywalker used the Force to cause C-3PO's throne to levitate. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. However, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences with R2-D2 or his fellow Jedi. Later, the rebels were forced to evacuate Hoth after Solo and Chewbacca encountered an Imperial probe droid. [43], When C-3PO refused to provide the information, Bane ordered his droid henchmen to kidnap R2-D2. With only three casualties, Artoos kill count in The Clone Wars Season Four was tame compared to other seasons. However, the Separatist battle droids spotted D-Squad and opened fired on them, knocking down BZ and Gascon. There, they managed to access the Death Star plans stored inside Artoo's memory banks. Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count - YouTube 0:00 / 6:10 Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count 215,086 views Premiered Aug 15, 2020 5.6K Dislike Share Save CT 5555 80.7K subscribers An updated version. R2-D2 managed to repair the hyperdrive in the nick of time and the Falcon was able to flee into hyperspace and rejoin the Rebel fleet. 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