Answer 11: Guinea pigs can sneeze for a variety of reasons, including allergies, dusty environments, or respiratory infections. Approved. Calm down your guinea pigs and inspect their ears. Overcrowding can easily be a means of transmitting respiratory viruses, since the stress weakens their immune systems, and makes them vulnerable to infections. The transmission is often due to contaminated bedding or an unclean cage. (And How? "This article helped me affirm I was doing what's best for our guinea pig. This bacteria is responsible for the advancement of the infection into Pasteurella pneumonia. How to Prevent Runny Nose in Guinea Pigs? 7 Alarming Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Pee Blood, The Alarming Truth About Washing Guinea Pigs In Dish Soap, Can A Dirty Cage Kill Your Guinea Pig? Once your fur babys wound has been disinfected, its essential that you continue to monitor him for signs of infection. Number: 05028498 .rvixi63a287d7a768d { Your guinea pig's cage should not be exposed to direct sources of heat or cold. Youll also learn how piggies get these kinds of injuries and when you need to break open your piggie bank and get your little friend to the vet. Chronic infections can be frustrating to both the owner, the vet, and the guinea pig itself, since they may now require life-long therapy and treatment. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at OUR AMAZON RECOMMENDATION FOR GLOVES: Hot Pink Two-Pack of Reusable Waterproof Cleaning Gloves. These symptoms lead your piggies to bite and scratch their own skin. A guinea pig cage is not a dish, nor is it a floor or a piece of dirty laundry. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by my readers, but it doesn't cost you anything at all. By using our site, you agree to our. What happens if you give your guinea pig corn? Make sure you use very less oil or water so that it does not enter the ear canal since this could harm their ear. For most aspects of grooming, a weekly check should be enough. Respiratory stress may cause a sickly feeling to the guinea pig, which in turn leads to loss of appetite. Should I be worried? If the cotton swab is too rough for your guinea pigs nose, it will cause them discomfort. flinching screaming or squealing, Read More Is Your Guinea Pig In Pain? This doesnt however mean that all orally administered antibiotics pose a danger to the tracts health and normal functioning. Company Reg. Pellets lose the vitamin C potency over time, thats why its recommendable to choose a high-quality and stabilized pellet for your pig to ensure freshness. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Since this should happen once a week, using sponges each time could not only add up in cost, but produces far more waste. What Happens if Guinea Pig Wounds Are Untreated? Lets get back on track. You absolutely want a pair. Simple truth: Rats can attack and kill guinea pigs. Now this might make you wonder if your pet can play with toilet paper rolls. What happens if you dont clean a guinea pigs nose? Answer 15: If your guinea pig is in pain when you touch its nose, this could be a sign of an infection or injury. Mr. Spaghett demonstrates how to do this process we perform monthly. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Part 1 Diagnosing the Cause 1 Visit your vet. In this sense, cleaning your guinea pigs wound may seem to be a piece of cake. Last Updated: December 17, 2022 and Why Do Guinea Pigs Twitch? If the discharge is excessive or contains blood, this could be a sign of a respiratory infection and you should take your guinea pig to the vet. This may involve surgery for desired corrections, and the doctor may prescribe pain medication to help your guinea pig in the recovery process. Dip a clean cloth into a mix and gently clean the injury. The wrong cleaner not only could not work, but it might even prove dangerous to your guinea pigs health. As such, it requires its own set of cleaning supplies, all of which must be safe for your guinea pigs! Use a saline solution to flush out any debris. If you dont clean your guinea pigs nose, they could get sick. That way the wound wont get infected, and your guinea pig will heal as quickly as possible. It simply cuts back on waste, which we are a fan of. Always have someone supervising your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are susceptible to a number of respiratory infections, some of which can be deadly. .exdln63a287d7a7588 { When taking care of a guinea pigs injuries, it can be tempting to do what we would normally do for ourselvesbut thats not good for cavies. Once the cotton pad is soiled, switch it out for a fresh one and repeat this step until their nose is entirely clear of dirt. Why Do Guinea Pigs Twitch? If your guinea pig is wheezing, you should take it to the vet as soon as possible. Cavy Central Guinea Pig Rescue with Lyn 18.1K subscribers Commonly we call this cheilitis but take a look at what causes it in most cases and how we fix it. That means an increase of spot cleaning and deep cleaning. Some guinea pigs wont play on their own; they need the right environment and materials to spark their interest. Its caused by a bacteria known as Streptococcus. This often occurs when we are confident that the wounds have been treated. Empty any leftover food and water. This is achievable through sensitivity testing and should be conducted whenever possible. You will absolutely thank us for this. How to use this code: This link cantains your affiliate code and can be placed anywhere a normal tag could be placed. Why is it important to clean a guinea pigs nose? These irritations lead to discharges from the nose. Keep your guinea pigs water bottle/bowl clean and change the water daily. These colorful, chore charts will help you keep track of when to feed your fuzz butts, clean their cages, and much more. Others may however develop on and off infections for their entire lifespan, while others may relapse and get ill again as soon administration of medication is discontinued. How to clean your guinea pig's grease gland when the grease builds up. } Check out what you can learn from this. Its therefore advisable to give enough air space, and clean bedding for the pig to avoid this problem. For instance, it could be an old toy or wire inside the cage with sharp edges. $65.00, $695.00 Does this method apply to my hamster's cage too? Infections can also occur due to dental disease that results from overgrown tooth roots that affect the sinuses, therefore leading to upper respiratory infections. This includes putting into consideration the advancement and extent of damage to the affected tissues on the pig. Below we have put together a complete list of the supplies you will need. Antibiotics can also be harmful to the bacteria keeping the digestive tract healthy, and is, therefore, necessary to watch out for signs of distress. % of people told us that this article helped them. (Find Out Here)Continue, If youve got a guinea pigs, chances are that youre very close with them. Remember, guinea pigs have sensitive airways, so we need to take precautions not to cause them any discomfort. In those cases, we do recommend using a scrubbing tool (we have our recommended one linked below!). Hay is necessary because of its high-fiber content, which helps maintain the guinea pig digestive tract and also wears down constantly growing teeth. Then run some hot water and submerge the water bottle and food bowl. Cleaning ears. If your guinea pig is sneezing a lot, it is important to have it checked by a vet to rule out any serious problems. } @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px) { The pigs may however choose to eat less or softer food, lose weight, and or salivate due to other health conditions. Now, that does not mean you need to go out and buy guinea-pig specific products, but it does mean we need to consider what we use in our guinea pigs living environment. Lower your guinea pig into the water. Do NOT wash your guinea pigs enclosure in your favorite T-shirt, skirt, shorts, or shoes. They rumblestrut, try to mount each other, or move around in circles. What should you do if you accidentally use a cotton swab that is too rough for your guinea pigs nose? Try these out while cleaning your guinea pigs cage. Step 3. You are using an out of date browser. Unless your guinea pig has gotten sticky or smelly, it should only need to be bathed a maximum of 2-3 times per year. (n.d.). pet-care-guide. However, it can lead to infection, which could easily turn a simple wound into a life-threatening situation. Guinea Pig Cage Cleaning Supplies Checklist, Step-by-Step: How to Clean a Guinea Pig Cage. The best water dispenser is a guinea pig/rabbit bottle with a ball inside the spout to prevent water leaks. The pig might also reduce its water intake due to a change in the taste of water, and this might also lead to other health issues. Barrons Educational Series. It is important to clean your guinea pigs nose to help keep them healthy. With just a little bit of time and effort, you can help keep your guinea pigs nose healthy and clean. Your guinea pig might be sensitive to something. Lift your pet out of the basin/sink and place them on a toweled lap or floor. Cage liner? There are a couple of ways that cavies can get hurt If the right treatment isnt given, then the guinea pig wound can get infected. *Please Read*Facebook: Giving Snoopy a bath, some people bath their guinea pigs in the sink but I find this easier, b. The grass had been cut that day, could that have caused it? No, you should not clean your guinea pigs nose with water. Gently pull back on the plunger to suction out the discharge. What else should you not use to clean your guinea pigs nose? If they're not, there is an underlying problem. Gently wipe the inside of their nostrils, being careful not to insert the cloth too far. So the more consistent your schedule, the better they'll react to it. If the injuries are minor, then its best to keep it clean and dry. Guinea pig care. @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { You see, any damp food, poop, or urine gets trapped in the liner instead of sticking to the cage itself. Respiratory stress may cause a sickly feeling to the guinea pig, which in turn leads to loss of appetite. Since vitamin C tablets are soluble in water, people often make the mistake of dissolving them then giving the solution to the guinea pig. X Your vet might need to prescribe some pain killers or antiobiotics. It causes inflammation in the nasal cavity lining and a lot of irritation which results in sneezing, occasional bulging of the snout, and a runny nose. The demand is however higher for ill, young, pregnant, and nursing pigs. Hi there! How can you tell if a cotton swab is too rough for your guinea pigs nose? Assuming the answer is no, you will want gloves. If you want to mix your own cleaner, we recommend using a 1-to-1 mixture of distilled white vinegar and water. Otherwise, it can lead to infections that could endanger the life of your cavies. Good choices of vegetables include kales, turnip greens, spinach, parsley, dandelion greens, and lettuce. In the case of guinea pigs, their very small size makes them more vulnerable. In some cases, an infestation can lead to death, such as that with fur mites. Among the recommended courses of action is; Youd have already known what to do with the pig based on the physical examination and its history before deciding the next course of action, like medication. You should take your guinea pig to the vet for a checkup. Assuming you mean how to clean a guinea pigs nose: So lets dig into how to clean your guinea pigs cage quickly, effectively, and safely. Leave them in the sink to dry while you clean out the cage. (2019, April 18). Also, I learned a few tips to employ in, "Thanks for the help! It is not par. Make sure you are in the right outfit and have your gloves on. 2. Author: Published on: November 6, 2020 Published in: Uncategorized Published on: November 6, 2020 Published in: Uncategorized What kind of cloth should you use to wipe a guinea pigs nose? A wire mesh cage is more preferable to a solid glass cage in this case. wikiHow is the best website I've ever visited, there is so much great and reliable advice!". Check with your vet for any illness-specific cleaning instructions to ensure a smooth and effective cleaning effort. Out! You can clean your guinea pigs nose with a warm, damp cloth. Give your guinea pig something to chew on in its cage. Once everything is cleaned, dried, and replaced, your guinea pig can return to their enclosure. Moldy and dusty hay and litter around the guinea pigs cage could be responsible for the introduction of environmental allergens and irritants that may pose a threat to its health. If you have any favorite products or methods that make cleaning easier, we would love to hear about them as well! Some signs that your guinea pig needs its nose cleaned include if it has a runny nose, if its nose is visibly dirty, or if it is sneezing more than usual. Like humans, guinea pigs do not produce their vitamin C. Its, therefore, necessary that they acquire these nutrients through their diets. Common signs and symptoms of allergies are shown by a stuffy and runny nose. The sensitivity of the pig to the antibiotics should also be put into consideration, to avoid the introduction of new allergens to the system of the already ailing pig. This can lead to infections and other problems, so its important to keep them clean. Antihistamines are majorly used against allergens that cause guinea pig runny nose. display: block; Start by wetting a cotton ball or soft cloth with warm water. Use a gauze pad or a clean towel. This evening I went out to clean them out and say goodnight to them but as soon as I lifted the lid off the hutch I heard one of them making a strange noise. Rice is a grain, and grains are not good for them. However, we understand many of you might not live in such a convenient locale. Lets talk about each in a little more detail. Check! (n.d.). Can guinea pigs eat rice? } As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from and other affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. I was gone from home for a couple of hours and one of my guinea pigs eyes (both of them) are squinted and one of them is a bit red. Animal Humane Society. Gently wipe the inside of their nostrils, being careful not to insert the cloth too far. This goes for both humans and animals. As such, it requires its own set of cleaning supplies, all of which must be safe for your guinea pigs! A discharge will build up naturally in the corners of their eyes that the guinea pig will remove by his or herself with their front paws. .exdln63a287d7a7588 { Some guinea pigs runny nose will become completely clear and be free of bacterial respiratory infections only by responding to antibiotic treatment and therapy. Constantly and periodically brush your guinea pigs to manage itches and stress that might be persistent on the fur and skin. For really big cages, it is handy to have a cat-poop scooper to scrape out the cage. Answer 6: Yes, you can use a cotton swab to clean a guinea pigs nose. But damp hay can harbor fungal growth, and dry, dusty hay could cause respiratory problems. Best to just scrub them clean weekly as well. } display: block; thanks, We design beautiful, easy to maintain products which give you more time to spend with your pets. Once your guinea pig is wet, work a small dollop of shampoo into its fur and lather it up. Are there any other options? 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If your answer was yes, you do your thing, we wont judgetoo much. @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) { Use Water or Saline Solution 4. Two guinea pigs in the same cage heightens their tendency to less lonely. A guinea pigs eyes should be bright and shiny. While there are plenty of pet-specific scrubs or sponges out there, a rag is generally enough. (Benefits, Risks, Servings & FAQs). A cavys wound needs to be kept as clean as possible. Never again hear the dreaded sounds of your guinea pigs angry squeaks because you forgot to clean out their cage or feed them on timefor the fourth day in a row. What happens if you dont clean your guinea pigs nose? Usually this sorts itself out in a couple of days. There are types of abscesses can require surgery due to the thickness of the pus. 1. While guinea pigs love to nibble on their food or surrounding objects, they only resort to biting their cage buddy when they feel threatened, scared, unhappy, or in pain. But did you know that those same cute little noses need to be cleaned on a regular basis? I have two boars around a year old that are currently living outside. Damp corners are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria and germs! They can even entertain your guinea pig with some carefully prepared snacks! Can you clean your guinea pigs nose with water? When faced with the challenge of looking after their wounds, you need to clean them a little differently. Just be sure not to insert it too far into the nostril. Yes, this can be a pain. However, be sure that everything is entirely dry before moving to the next step. If you notice dry nasal discharge on their nose, dip a cotton pad in warm water and gently wipe their nose. Zippi Tunnel Single with Hutch to Run Connection Kit, 10.95 Do not use wood chips or sawdust as they cause serious harm to your pet. Seriously, cage liners are an absolute godsend when it comes to cleaning a guinea pig cage. If you find any large piece of dirt or wax, use a tweezer to get rid of it. Copyright 2023 This can happen with both male and female pairings. Typically, when there is an open wound in a guinea pig or even just a tiny cut, the first thing that must be done is disinfect it. I have a 30 x 20" guinea pig cage with upper kitchen area, would that be suitable for 1 guinea pig? Your email address will not be published. } Lets find out! There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Compared to pets such as cats and dogs, theres a very limited number of antibiotics that are safe for the treatment of respiratory issues in guinea pigs. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) { However, many of us do not have distilled white vinegar laying around the house. So, when you have two of them (successfully matched) living together, theyre happier. Try wrapping the cotton pad around your thumb to make it easier and more convenient to clean his nose. Carefully check how severe or big the wound is. These may include respiratory infections caused by several bacteria like Bordetella brontiseptica and Streptococcus, diarrhea, scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency, tumors, abscesses, urinary problems, parasites, and skin problems. It's important to handle your guinea pig firmly enough that it won't fall, but not so firmly as to injure its body. Merck Veterinary Manual. But, from time to time, they also get cuts from loose wires or from getting stuck in the areas like cage bottoms. And solutions for cleaning their ears you can simply use warm water. This includes soap, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and anything else that you might use to treat human wounds. What To Do If Your Guinea Pig Has A Runny Nose? Please see our. A clean guinea pig is a happy guinea pig. When first aid is required, there are specific things you should do to make sure the injury is properly treated. Because guinea pigs cant tell us when theyre in pain, its up to us to learn how to spot the signs. For a healthy guinea pig, breathing is quiet and easy. Lets be frank: time is valuable. Always make available high fiber foods especially good quality hay to prevent dental disease. Not only does a good cage liner help with odor control between cleanings, it also speeds up the cleaning process. At first I just thought that he was squeaking but after listening I realised he was just breathing and that it sounded as though he had a blocked nose. So, before you go straight to the vet, think of what you can do to alleviate the pain and bleeding. Cleaning your pig's cage at least every week is very important in maintaining your pet's health. Knowing how to clean a guinea pig cage is one thing. Answer 5: You should use a soft, damp cloth to wipe a guinea pigs nose. $109.00, Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch with 3ft Run - Leaf Green, $475.00 Male guinea pigs need special grooming known as boar cleaning. Fill the syringe with warm water and insert the tip into the nostril. If you have more than one guinea pig clean it two times a week. Before Cleaning: Supplies and Materials. Avoid using anything abrasive, as this could irritate the sensitive skin inside the nostrils. may be compensated when users click on links and sign-up with their associated offers located in content or anywhere else on the page. The pigs nose may turn red and sore as a result of itching and scratching due to contact with allergens. Wait too long though and your guinea pig will be sad and might even start attracting flies! I've never been more confident about, "This article about guinea pigs helped me to decide whether I am capable of getting a guinea pig or not and whether, "I loved this. Periodic trimming of overgrown teeth is also necessary. Do not use the same one as your cat, dog or other pet. Have the vet examine the dental formula of the pig and do necessary corrections when a need arises. display: block; Know When To Contact The Vet 5 Don'ts Of Wound Cleaning 1. So, try to keep her calm by offering her veggie treats and snuggles. Answer 13: Wheezing is not a normal symptom in guinea pigs and could be a sign of a respiratory infection. 379.00, 389.99 Make an appointment as soon as you notice the abscess so that it can be handled quickly. What is the Best Treatment For A Runny Nose in Guinea Pigs? Cedar bedding can cause many health problems, as can pine. Zippi Tunnel Single with Hutch to Run Connection Kit, $0.00 RECOMMENDED: Do Guinea Pigs Attract Rats? Additionally, an antibiotic is prescribed to manage the infection. They are known for their gentle and loving nature, and their cute little noses. Where Is The Best Place To Buy Guinea Pigs. A cavy can catch these parasites from another infected guinea pig. What should you do if you cant get all the discharge out of a guinea pigs nose? Check out these most popular guinea pig products on the market: Last update on 2022-12-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Smithsonians National Zoo. Guinea pigs may be small and cute, but they still experience pain just like humans do! (Safety, Nutrition, and Tips). She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. Treaclelove Junior Guinea Pig Joined Sep 7, 2015 Messages 16 Reaction score 5 Points 145 Location Aberdeenshire, UK Aug 22, 2016 #5 Wiebke said: (Explained Here)Continue, Guinea pigs are notorious for staring. I can't stand the smell of vinegar. My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. You have two ways to go about getting the right kind of cleaner: mix on yourself or buy one specifically made for guinea pigs. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. You should clean your guinea pigs nose as often as needed, or when it appears dirty. Now you have something to lift the stink and stains from your guinea pigs cage, but you still need something to do the (literally) dirty work. Gently insert the swab into the nostrils and twist it around to remove any discharge. "When I read this article I was shocked on all of the things I had been doing wrong with my guinea pigs. .exdln63a287d7a7588 { Mycoplasma and Pasteurella pneumonia are infections that occur in the lower respiratory tract and the lungs. Gently wipe the inside of your guinea pigs nostrils, being careful not to go too deep. If we let our guinea pigs cages get dirty, it can stress them out and even pose a risk to their health. Congratulations to our Photo Competition Winner - @fur&feathers. So keeping your guinea pigs living area clean is an absolutely non-negotiable part of being a guinea pig owner. You should also add a cup of vinegar to help with the urine odor. Guinea pigs are social animals that need to be around other cavies more often. How to unclog a guinea pigs nose? Or even a large bowl. Wipe clean and dry with a damp rag. If your guinea pig's eyes need cleaning, and yet they dont seem able to do it themselves, this too may indicate a health problem. Scoop out any soiled bedding and replace it with dry, fresh bedding. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 278,625 times. Discharge builds up naturally in the corners of a guinea pig's eyes - just like any other mammal - and the GP will remove this with its paws. Some guinea pigs may need their noses cleaned daily, while others may only need it done every few days. When guinea pigs touch each other nose and look into each other's eyes, it reflects the affection and love between two bonded guinea pigs. If you live in a hot climate, you are set. On suspicion of dental disorders or overgrown tooth roots, its crucial to have an x-ray diagnosis done on the skull of the pig, to make informed decisions on the next step to take. Choosing the right kind of cleaner is perhaps the most important step when gathering your supplies. Otherwise, a bucket will do just fine. display: block; Wash them with a hypoallergenic and unscented detergent. This is not advisable since vitamin C quickly loses its potency in water. The extent of their effectiveness varies in different pigs, depending on the nature and extent of damage of the inflammations. Also, watch out for blood in the urine or droppings, for this could be a warning sign that there are other infections in the body. Peroxide, rubbing alcohol and anything else that you continue to monitor him for signs of infection that they these. Less lonely do your thing, we wont judgetoo much stuck in the case of guinea pigs susceptible... The vet as soon as possible, we wont judgetoo much chew on in cage. Wound wont get infected, and lettuce cotton swab is too rough for your guinea pigs eyes be. Best Treatment for a runny nose in guinea pigs enclosure in your favorite T-shirt, skirt shorts. 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