It gives students a framework and vocabulary to identify their intersecting privileges and oppressions. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. hooks concept of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy describes the four systems of power that characterize Euroamerican dominator culture. Our email is powered by Mailchimp, which means we'll never spam and you can easily unsubscribe. So, people who are black and gay face discrimination on two fronts, putting them at extra disadvantage. This guide was created by the Social Justice, Equity, and Teaching Transformation Faculty Learning Community (SETT-SU FLC) and Angeline Prichard, Research & Instructional Librarian. I then insert a text form where students can type a reflective response and journal entry to this prompt: Thinking about your intersectional identities, how do you experience both privilege and oppression? Charlotte Edith Anderson Monture was a Canadian Indigenous woman. The missing white woman syndrome was on full display during the 2021 Gabby Petito case. Girls with this disability are at a double disadvantage because of their gender compared to boys with this disability (who, themselves, are disadvantaged compared to neurotypical students in schools). In the middle of my lecture on the gender pay gap in organizations, a student interrupts me to proclaim how the gender pay gap cant possibly exist because his mother is a senior manager in her company and gets paid more than the men she works with. Ive used more serious academic videos about intersectionality theory in the past but they did leave some students even more confused. They should also be given poster paper and markers to write down their analysis of the case. (LSS). In a time when women were relegated to the domestic sphere, and black people were silenced, she broke through to influence public sentiment across the nation. She achieved this because she took advantage of the Military Service Act of 1917 which allowed all people who served in the military to vote. If you have any suggested resources you think should be added to the guide, please submit them here! She was an extremely prolific activist for social justice for people across different identity factors, not just the disabled. Calendar Below is an excerpt from the interview. Its basically a lens, a prism, for seeing the way in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other. About The Helpful Professor Today the basic principles of intersectionality are widely acceptedeven by critics of the termand the concept has expanded to acknowledge a wider array of identity factors, including citizenship status, indigeneity, age, spirituality or religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status or class. Activity Finder Activity Type Activists and community organizations are calling for and participating in more dynamic conversations about the differences in experience among people with different overlapping identities. "Intersectionality is simply about how certain aspects of who you are will increase your access to the good things or your exposure to the bad things in life. Petito went missing during a road trip with her fiance, leading to worldwide media attention while the police hunted down her fiance. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion invites you to learn more about the importance of intersectionality and its role in creating a more equitable and inclusive community and campus during our first annual Day of Intersectionality. Helena is an intersectional feminist scholar-activist living and writing in Sydney, Australia. All trademarks are registered property of the University. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. The defendants argued that they were experiencing the additive effects of both racial and gender discrimination in workplace hiring practices. In my first lecture, I also set the expectation to students that they should be prepared to learn, be challenged, and grow. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. Intersectionality. Doing so can be a productive way toexamine instructor bias. and the unique privileges and oppressions individuals may experience where those identities overlap. When these people share their experiences, take theopportunity to listen. Diversity of all kinds matter in your workplace, your activism, your community spaces, and more. A scholar of law, critical race theory, and Black feminist thought, Crenshaw used intersectionality to explain the experiences of Black women who - because of the intersections of race, gender, and . A federal employee? Vol.10(2), pp.303-312. I warn students that the lecture will grapple with sensitive issues around gender, sexuality, race, colonialism, class, and dis/ability. Washington, DC 20052, Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Online Course, Resources on Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern Communities, Resources on Implicit Bias & Microaggressions, The George Washington University Response Action Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Addressing COVID-19 Related Bias & Discrimination, Maintaining Equity and Inclusion in Virtual Learning Environments Guidance for GW Faculty, Disability Support Services for Virtual Learning, Title IX Protections and Responsibilities During COVID-19, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberl Crenshaw, Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics by Kimberl Crenshaw, Podcast: Intersectionality Matters! Keeping this in mind, we can begin to think critically and strategically about how systems intersect and create compounding effects on an individual. If youd like to learn more about intersectional feminism, please take a look at my detailed explainer for this theory and movement. Intersectional feminism is an intellectual and political movement that identifies and challenges the ways interlocking systems of gender, sexual, racial, colonial, class, and dis/ability oppression impact social life. Intersection Identity and Privilege: Crossing the Line Recap and Closing Activity Closing and Recommended Resources Introduction This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. Intersectionality refers to the interplay of one's identities, the status of those identities, and the situational context of how, when, and where those identities show up and influence personal experience (s) within multiple dimensions of societal oppression. If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access content on this page, let us know via the. Just as many disciplines now require a positionality statement in published research, instructors may consider reflecting on their teaching positionality. The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO) provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. Map and Directions. A vital element of this activity plan is that it doesnt start and end intersectionality at identities. Choo, H. Y., & Ferree, M. M. (2010). I dont assess or provide feedback on their responses, but I do skim through them to ensure students are engaging with the readings and videos. Considering the layers of intersectionality ensures that all voices are heard and there is a conscious awareness of the trade-offs being made and their implications.". Why Don't People with Disabilities Self-Identify? That means they should be ready to encounter new ideas and have difficult discussions about them. These thought processes and expectations are based on the specific set of social identities we were born into that predispose us to unequal roles that allow us to access (or deny access) to resources. Helena loves good food, travel, and time alone. In the introduction these women state that The synthesis of these oppressions creates the conditions of our lives. Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. The CU Anschutz Central Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (ODEICE) focuses on implementing, centralizing and improving programs and initiatives around diversity and health equity; inclusion and outreach; and community engagement. Key concepts: identity, intersectionality Time 2 hours Materials needed o Identity signs printed and posted around the room o Chart Circles o Markers, tape o Chart Paper o Case studies - handout o How Strong Beats My Heart - handout o Laptop/projector for videos Agenda 1.elcome W & Icebreaker 10 min 2. Listen and defer to those who live with these intersectional identities each day. team ice breaker games; So, here is the list! However, do notexpect people with identity markers other than your own to be there or to want to educate others. Used by Geology Museum Over time, I experimented with different ways to introduce intersectional feminism constructively and sensitively in the classroom. Advocates use the theory to promote greater understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our classrooms and workplaces. How do you explain what it means today?, 15 Famous Experiments and Case Studies in Psychology, 10 Social Fact Examples (Material & Non-Material) - Durkheim, Ethnomethodology: Examples and Definition, Social Phenomenon: 45 Examples and Definition (Sociology). By avoiding language that assumes our own experiences are baseline, we can open ourselves up to listening to others points of view. Ready to jump in? We must recognize that all unique experiences of identity, and particularly ones that involve multiple overlapping oppressions, are valid. It reminds us that people's lives cannot be explained by taking into account single categories, such as gender, race, sexuality, or socio-economic statu Theres nothing new about defenders of the status quo criticizing those who are demanding that injustices be addressed. In addition to the resources provided below, you can alsoreview additional terminology interconnected with Intersectionality here. Crenshaw expanded on the Collectives theory, stating that in order to understand the oppression of black women, it is necessary to look at the intersection of blackness and womanhood. Gay men are often unfairly stereotyped as being predators. At the end of the post, youll have the option to sign up for my newsletter and receive a copy of my lecture slides with all the principles, activity templates, and extra disclaimers to adapt and use in your classes. Especially for undergraduate college students who may not be used to having these kinds of political discussions at home, I acknowledge that the lecture could be very uncomfortable. It takes into account peoples overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. The theory of those systems became known as intersectionality, a term popularized by law professor Kimberl Crenshaw. 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401 The information here provides abasicoverview of important considerations related to IntersectionalityIt is crucial that you continue expanding upon this knowledge and look further into the concepts presented that you are unfamiliar with and/or are curious about. The judges believed that because black men had jobs and white women had jobs with their respective employers, then the employers could not discriminate against black women. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. Re-thinking intersectionality. The term intersectionality was coined by Kimberle Crrenshaw in 1989. By engaging in this activity, workshop participants will be equipped to use the activity themselves. Four types of bias are commonly experienced in the workplace. Lower-class people who are white, Anglo-Saxon, and protestant, are stereotyped as hillbillies. Consultation services are available to all UConn faculty at all campuses at no charge. It is important to understand that intersectionality has become appropriated over the past few years since Kimberl Crenshaw first debuted the concept. We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. The genesis of her work was two different civil court cases defending two separate groups of black women. Sexual orientation. 812 20th Street NW Historically, boys have been over-diagnosed with ADHD and girls have been under-diagnosed. However, the overarching hierarchy of power and privilege that have set-up an inequitable system is what Kimberl was describing. Kimberl Crenshaw, law professor and social theorist, first coined the term intersectionality in her 1989 paper Demarginalizing The Intersection Of Race And Sex: A Black Feminist Critique Of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory And Antiracist Politics. The theory emerged two decades earlier, however, when black feminists began to speak out about the white, middle-class nature of the mainstream feminist movement. Athletics Mel Baggs was a non-binary blogger who wrote about autism and disability. White, The Atlantic, 2015. When we approach the lecture on intersectionality theory, I include a disclaimer at the start of the lecture. Im committed to rigorous research-led subject content that grounds learning in students lived experiences and everyday practice. It enlightens us to health disparities among women of color, provides pathways for our youth leaders to understand identity, and is crucial to the advocacy work we support. Crenshaw, K. W. (2017). How might you exercise your privilege/s towards subverting or transforming any aspect of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in your present circumstance? If the subject has been running for a few weeks, this is a good opportunity where you can ask students at the start of class to sit with people they havent had the chance to work with yet. The article was originally a chapter in Oppression, Privilege, & Resistance edited by Lisa Heldke and Peg OConnor (published by McGraw Hill in Boston, 2004). News Helen Keller was not only a woman, she was also a deafblind person who changed the world in the early 20th Century. "Intersectionality" as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is "the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups." Undergraduate Admissions It also helps young people to recognize the full humanity of marginalized people, especially, Read More 5 Foundational Practices for Teaching Social Justice in the ClassroomContinue, Using Restorative Justice in the Classroom to Address Harm, A White Mans World: What WOC Should Know Before Doing A PhD, 5 Foundational Practices for Teaching Social Justice in the Classroom, Introducing Intersectional Feminism: An Activity, ground-clearing practice that sets a leveled foundation upon which to build our work and relations, Building the Anti-Racist Classroom (BARC), Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory, and antiracist politics, Feminist originalism: Intersectionality and the politics of reading, 5 Must-Read Intersectional Feminist Books for Beginners. In fact, studies have found that black people also face the problem that they are underrepresented in the research on LGBT experiences. Interestingly, the stereotype is not rolled-out against lesbians, showing how it is the unique intersection of being male and homosexuality where this stereotype is weaponized. You never know what you will learn! of intersectionality; yes they shape your experience and influence what intersectionality means to you. By doing so, we can begin to institute change in a meaningful and long-lasting way that is social justice oriented and people-centered. You may feel that your workplace is racially and ethnically diverse, but is it accessible to people with disabilities? These behaviors are overlooked compared to the supposedly typical ADHD behaviors that boys tend to exhibit more commonly, like disruptiveness and interrupting others in class. This research has revealed that there is now intergenerational disadvantage in areas like the North-East of England (where I used to teach!) It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. He also speaks out against ableism in the LGBT community, such as troubles hes had getting into bars. These thought processes and expectations are based on the specific set of social identities we were born into that predispose us to unequal roles that allow us to access, In addition to the resources provided below, you can also, review additional terminology interconnected with. When students meet together in the tutorial, they apply what they learned through their independent reflection and the lecture to a group activity on intersectionality. Thinking intersectionally can help us identifysubtle dynamicsthat disadvantage some students and advantage others unjustly. Its designed for elementary school students, but both my undergraduate and postgraduate students appreciate its clarity. Re-thinking intersectionality. Missing and Indigenous Women. Campus Tour Intersectionality was the first of three FAS Diversity Dialogues for the academic year. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. As black feminist scholar bell hooks argues, intersectionality challenged the notion that gender was the primary factor determining a womans fate. Mike Robbins explains this using the Authenticity Equation: Honesty Self-Righteousness + Vulnerability = Authenticity (Robbins, 2018). One of the foundational thinkers and educators of critical pedagogy is Paulo Freire. Rosa Parks was a black woman who took a stand against segregation in the United States. Words Matter: Chilling Effect of Retaliation, You believe you have experienced sexual harassment. For example, it was used as an argument against gay hate crime laws. provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. Assuming that all women have vaginas or are defined by their bodies is an oversimplification that erases the experiences of those who exist beyond the gender binary. The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility. Our websites may use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience. The framework of intersectionality reminds us that we should bring our whole and authentic selves to work in order to perform our best and foster a collaborative environment with our colleagues (see Part 3). This has been a result of over-emphasis from psychologists and scientists on how boys present with ADHD, to the detriment to girls. Financial Aid This icebreaker can be used to launch a study about leadership or how to respond to obstacles or topics like that. As you hear about issues othersface, learn about the work that is currently being done around these topics. Interestingly, were we to change just one identity marker of the WASP, a new stereotype emerges. In Canada, indigenous people have been raising the alarm about the apparent lack of police or government interest in the high rates of missing indigenous women. While considering other identities is important to name one's experience, by excluding a racial component, you ignore a critical piece of understanding; you cannot understand your holistic experience without acknowledging how your race shapes and influences the barriers you will face when your other identities intersect. Since then, the study of intersectionality has grown to include all of our intersections and identities. In my years teaching intersectionality, social justice, and diversity in universities, Ive seen the challenges of introducing such complex and messy subjects to my students. As Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie phrased it, there is a danger of the single story. Instructors should be aware of the histories of institutional racism, sexism, ableism and ageism that have resulted in extremely challenging educational climates for BIPOC students, in particular female, trans, and queer BIPOC students and BIPOC students who have a disability. Whats Next? His classic book from 1970, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (translated by M. Bergman Ramos), is a vital resource for socially conscious educators. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Its not identity politics on steroids. Each group will randomly receive one of the cases. It also very successfully critiqued how feminism tended to focus on the experiences of white middle-class women in the 1980s. By doing so, we can begin to institute change in a meaningful and long-lasting way that is social justice oriented and people-centered. Crenshaws work initially focused on the experiences of black women. But the confluence of these two identity markers raises some unique stereotypes around being exotic, submissive, and a service worker. The factors these systems are based on include the following: Gender. Mines Magazine To be clear, social identitiesare not the focus of intersectionality; yes they shape your experience and influence what intersectionality means to you. Despite our shared vision, social equity work can oftentimes feel exclusionary to those who are not familiar with the lingo. She has researched and taught social justice for 14 years. While she was unable to vote and found it almost impossible to get funding for her business ventures, she persisted, and became the first recorded fmale self-made millionare in American history. Collins, P. H., & Bilge, S. (2020). Read - Intersectionality Part Two: The Workplace, Read - Intersectionality Part Three: Intentional Intersectionality. woman and black) do not exist independently of each other, and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression. Well before the term intersectionality was coined, we could still see examples of intersectional activism in the real world. Intersectionality theory examines how matrices of power and interlocking structures of oppression shape and influence people's multiple identities. Instead, our identities are fluid. You can also ask your students to watch Kimberl Crenshaws TED talk from 2016 where she explains why and how intersectionality matters in our social life: Finally, if intersectionality is completely new for your students and you dont want to overwhelm them with a 10,000-word philosophical academic article, you may set them my 3,000-word blog post. 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What Is Presentment, Notice Of Dishonor And Protest, There Are No Thieves In This Town Analysis, Confirmation Of Provider Form Eec, Kristina Niven, Michael Bronstein Net Worth, Articles I